
stay tuned :)


I recently discovered your story and would really like to make some video edits dedicated to it. So a couple of questions, if it doesn't bother you, do you have a fancast in mind for Amarea? And if so can I tag you in the edit, on some social networks like tiktok and instagram?
          Do you use them?


late response ik but my tiktok and instagram are both alluringartemis. there is no fancast but im always open to anything. i would love to be tagged in anything <3


Hi new reader here, I really really love your story Azkaban and I have a few questions if you dont mind!
          The main character have a love interest?
          And if she using gloves its bcs of her powers or bcs she doesn't like touch people?
          If this is gonna be explained in the story later just ignore me 


I don’t know if you’ve figured the answers out already but I defenitly don’t mind answering questions! Amarea will have definitely have a love interest but it will mostly come later in the book. And the gloves are for her powers :)