
Hi everyone,
          	I wanted to check-in since I haven't been active as much recently. I have exams starting tomorrow so pray for me, I need every blessing I can get, but that also means updates will be slow for the next few weeks, at least until after the 13th so please be patient with me, after I'm done exams I also need to start doing my uni applications which I have been delaying in doing but I guess you can't put off scary things forever. 
          	I updated Under the Same Skies yesterday and I know you all are loving it so after I'm done writing I will continue to update it regularly and I'm hoping to get more into a steady flow for all of my other books so which would you like to see an update for next so I can start brainstorming ideas for the next chapter. 
          	One last thing, I know some of you have ready opulent influence which is a continuation book of my story Perilous Intelligence, what would be your feelings on slightly changing the name of their daughter Anneliese, it's been something I've been debating so I would love to know your opinions on the matter.
          	I'll still be checking and seeing all your messages so as always my inbox is always open if anyone wants to talk or be friends and I hope your all doing well,
          	Also good luck to anyone starting exams this season, and I pray you all do well,
          	Lots of love
          	Ara <3


@marksloanishot Nope, I actually live in Africa but I'm a mixed breed so wouldn't be surprised to find out I have Scottish heritage somewhere along the line.


I’ve currently started reading under the same stars and I’m so invested which such a good book and also repercussions still reading that and I’m in LOVE your such a good author and you like need to get them published 


Hi everyone,
          I wanted to check-in since I haven't been active as much recently. I have exams starting tomorrow so pray for me, I need every blessing I can get, but that also means updates will be slow for the next few weeks, at least until after the 13th so please be patient with me, after I'm done exams I also need to start doing my uni applications which I have been delaying in doing but I guess you can't put off scary things forever. 
          I updated Under the Same Skies yesterday and I know you all are loving it so after I'm done writing I will continue to update it regularly and I'm hoping to get more into a steady flow for all of my other books so which would you like to see an update for next so I can start brainstorming ideas for the next chapter. 
          One last thing, I know some of you have ready opulent influence which is a continuation book of my story Perilous Intelligence, what would be your feelings on slightly changing the name of their daughter Anneliese, it's been something I've been debating so I would love to know your opinions on the matter.
          I'll still be checking and seeing all your messages so as always my inbox is always open if anyone wants to talk or be friends and I hope your all doing well,
          Also good luck to anyone starting exams this season, and I pray you all do well,
          Lots of love
          Ara <3


@marksloanishot Nope, I actually live in Africa but I'm a mixed breed so wouldn't be surprised to find out I have Scottish heritage somewhere along the line.


I’ve currently started reading under the same stars and I’m so invested which such a good book and also repercussions still reading that and I’m in LOVE your such a good author and you like need to get them published 