
Hello! :) 


I m in love with ur writing style and the way u express emotions is just amazing i m currently reading ur book far from romeo and this book is just a masterpiece and the way you write makes its much more mesmerizing i have a request plz fullfil it if u can i want you to write a book in which the female lead is young and dealing with body dysmorphia , insecurities and anxiety and the male lead who's mature and help female lead to get through all of this and be confident you know today mostly girls are dealing with these issue and they don't think they can find someone who's going to love them and accept them as they are And i m truly amazed by ur writing style or i know u can write this book so flawlessly that it's going to boost the confidence level of many girls and help them believe in themselves kindly pay attention to my humble request ❤ 


Far from Romeo is just *chef’s kiss*! The writing style, the plot, creativity is just amazing. I am so happy to have come across this page and WILL be reading many more books while I wait for Far from Romeo! 
          Keep up the amazing authentic writing!


Aw. Thank you so much, dear! And because of that, I’ll go ahead and update Far From Romeo. 


Hey author!!! Bonjour. I just wanted to appreciate you and your work and I honestly cannot comprehend how brilliant and how exquisite your books are, especially your writing skill. I honestly first read your book "seeing you not seeing me" and I FELL IN LOVE. I feel like the most unique thing about that book was the creativity and the idea behind it, because like normally I don't really come across such inclusive and interesting expositions in a book, specifically on this app. I never really was hooked on historical romance but GIRL, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH UR BOOKS HAVE CHANGED THAT. I probably have already finished reading all your books hehhehe. Anyways, I cannot express the amount of love I have for your work, like i swear, even if there is a simple scene in a book, you can make it so beautiful and eye-catching with your mesmerising words and your amazing mind. I hope you're doing okay and I hope that life is treating you well :) 
          Please do take some rest and take care of yourself. I can't wait for more updates from you and I hope you keep writing because it would be such a shame for such an amazing writer to not bless us with her magical work <3
          Au Revoir lovely!!! 


Aw. You have no idea how you just made my day. So, thank you, thank you, thank you! And reading this, it really gets me all pump up in finishing few pending novels I have this year. 
            I hope you’ll have a great year ahead, dearest! 