
          	Chapter fifteen has been uploaded as of Friday, and as I could get some writing done just now before work, chapter sixteen is scheduled to go live at midday today UK time!
          	I hope to do a ton of writing after work, so chapter seventeen may be coming Wednesday. As I am now mostly done adding new chapters and I can focus on editing and rewriting, updates should be coming out much faster (this an estimated aim, and not a promise!).


          Chapter fifteen has been uploaded as of Friday, and as I could get some writing done just now before work, chapter sixteen is scheduled to go live at midday today UK time!
          I hope to do a ton of writing after work, so chapter seventeen may be coming Wednesday. As I am now mostly done adding new chapters and I can focus on editing and rewriting, updates should be coming out much faster (this an estimated aim, and not a promise!).


This Is My Stage is now only going to be updated on Fridays as I have hot the portion I am editing and rewriting the original book, which seems to be taking than writing the new chapters. If I happen to have some pre-written chapters that I can share early, I will update that here.