
Hi all! It’s late I know (a year late) but I’ve started updating And Counting again. This will most likely be my last fanfiction but thank you for everyone who’s stuck with me! 


          	  Ur fics r legendary, they r my favs. So glad to see you back 


Hi author, I just wanted to say that I really love your Silvanna Snape books. I just finished both of them in a week  and I'm crying. The way that first book ended made me cry  and I love you for it. I just want her to be happy with her friends again and hopefully that happens. *Spoilers*. And now she's pregnant and  the f****** stuff with the princes and her husband is dead and I feel like she just really needs her friends now or a hug. I really want her to be happy. And I know you're busy with uni I get it  I'm in uni too. But my heart just can't take it anymore. But for this book I'll make an exception. I just can't wait for what you have in store for next. I'm dying with anticipation. Again I love this books part 1 and part 2 and I can't wait for what you come up with next. But please, please, please let her be happy , and also have her found families  understand her. Oh amd can someone have a brain cells and realize she is a double agent. And f*** dumbledore. Also it'd be really funny if Silvanna Snape just stole Harry and raised him instead of Snape finding and giving him to Dumbledore. And f*** Dumbledore.


Hello writer of the Silvanna Snape stories, I am heart broken for Silvanna and feel incredibly hopeless on her behalf and although it is a work of fiction every lost friend in the story makes me weep more. I hope there is peace and love for Silvanna in the characters future.
          Thank you for sharing your wonderful work.


Hey! Thanks for leaving a message. I’m so glad you feel connected to her character as that’s the greatest compliment any writer could wish for. You are more than welcome and thank you for reading x


learn to romanticise your life in the present oh my gosh
          i was talking to my little sister (13), and she was saying how it’s ‘vintage’ - grouped with vinyls and tapes - to listen to music with wired headphones, and share with your friends. 
          you know like how you used to put on in your ear and one in your friends? i told her i used to do that and she called it cool and retro. like wtf