
GUYS the new chapter of getaway will be coming out tomorrow (Saturday evening EST). IM SO SO SO SORRY me and my family moved today and I keep falling asleep trying to write 
          	I’m rly rly sorry, I know you guys are waiting patiently but I don’t want to give a half assed short chapter,  so it will have to come tomorrow. 
          	Also I know I haven’t been active, hopefully it will change now that things are FINALLY starting to calm down in my life, but thank you so much for reading and waiting so patiently for chapters like seriously I love u guys to death and I’m so sorry once again <33


@bazookah writers have lives of their own, it only makes since they can't upload all the time. what matters if what you enjoy what YOU write so take yo time. i love you zookahhh =3


@bazookah its very okay take as much time as u need 


what time do u update?xx


this message may be offensive
An essential weapon that writers possess is the power to create multitudes of varying worlds with infinite kinds of people inhabiting them. Zookah appears to be more than capable of writing a new story with a new storyline, set of characters, and themes. It’s just what I’d like PERSONALLY! 
          It’s kind of rare for me to find quality authors and be intrigued by stories written on this app especially because many people write the same shit these days, am I excited about the possibility of a new Zookah book with fresh vibes? fuck yeah 


No argument to be had, this is how I feel. Take it or leave it. 


Anyone who claims to “love” Sabrina is full of hot air and juvenile. She has hardly had any scenes to show enough of her personality to develop feelings towards her. It truly makes such little sense. What is there to defend? Why are u going so hard for someone you don’t know? lmao I see her as a background character who serves little purpose to this story especially because she has limited dialogue…. she’s not the other woman….. she’s Celina’s sister…. Celina’s anger towards Sabrina for her own reasons doesn’t mirror my feelings about Sabrina. I just think it would be a boring spinoff. Not to mention (but needs to be said) she has some similarities to Josie which is another reason to GO IN A NEW DIRECTION. 


ok she serves some purpose but her presence isn’t felt genuinely because she’s barely present  



@lovejamine 2nd one seems hawt but lighter version of nico


Nico face cams