
Hey all!
          	So... if you didn't know, I've been gone for a really long time (like an insanely long time). In fact, I've finished all of college and high school since the last time I updated on this site. If you don't remember who I am (which you probably don't) I'm the writer of Cloaked Beauty, the story of knight Celeste Edulici and Prince Derek.
          	Anyways, I'm back! And I really miss writing and I want to get back into it. So I wanted to know if you all would still be interested in me finishing the second novel of Cloaked Beauty, The Notorious.
          	If not, I'm interested in starting a whole new story for you guys to read! Please let me know your thoughts, and if you're like who's this crazy lady who's messaged ended up in my feed, I'm sorry haha!


@caramelapplee I'm still hoping you'll continue it... pls let us know if you will. Your writing was so beautiful, I'd be happy if we could get a conclusion and a happy ending to their story...


@caramelapplee hey, plz update the story the notorious.. Ur writing is just amazing.


@caramelapplee hey , you'd told us that you want to update some storyline?? Where and when is that will happen . It's already a whole year passed by. 


Are you retiring from your writing or you already give up your works ? If that so , please inform your readers and fans . You are really giving us fake hope as time flies , every single days . If you are on your break or you already giving up , at least mention something to people who are waiting for you , support you all of the times. Please , anything from you ???