
Hello everyone.
          	This may come as no surprise but...
          	My books have been on an unplanned hiatus for a while but now it's in full effect.
          	Inspiration, motivation, creativity (or lack thereof) and a whole host of other issues have not been sustaining me in healthy ways. In fact, I think I'm experiencing a case of habitual burn out so it might take a while for me to recuperate.
          	I simply do not have the will or energy to expend behind these books after a long day at work and little to no me time. To say I'm dissatisfied with life is an understatement and I want to change that.
          	I love Twilight/Carlisle so much and it really bothers me that I'm doing this but I know I need to prioritize myself, especially if I want to recover from this extended state of burnout. It's been too long and I miss writing for how it used to be for me and hopefully, taking this break will help me get back to that elusive, excited state.
          	Thank you so much for understanding. I'll be signing out of this account for a while but I'll be uploading the occasional 'outlet' poem on my @rissacorbyn profile. 
          	I'm occasionally active on IG so you can check the link on my profile if you'd like to reach out there.
          	Thank you so much again.
          	– HEAVEN


@carlisle-cullen-fics You're most welcome and you take as long as you need to focus on yourself. You matter as well and we will be here when you come back. If you need to vent, I'm here for you and you can PM me anytime. :)


Hello everyone.
          This may come as no surprise but...
          My books have been on an unplanned hiatus for a while but now it's in full effect.
          Inspiration, motivation, creativity (or lack thereof) and a whole host of other issues have not been sustaining me in healthy ways. In fact, I think I'm experiencing a case of habitual burn out so it might take a while for me to recuperate.
          I simply do not have the will or energy to expend behind these books after a long day at work and little to no me time. To say I'm dissatisfied with life is an understatement and I want to change that.
          I love Twilight/Carlisle so much and it really bothers me that I'm doing this but I know I need to prioritize myself, especially if I want to recover from this extended state of burnout. It's been too long and I miss writing for how it used to be for me and hopefully, taking this break will help me get back to that elusive, excited state.
          Thank you so much for understanding. I'll be signing out of this account for a while but I'll be uploading the occasional 'outlet' poem on my @rissacorbyn profile. 
          I'm occasionally active on IG so you can check the link on my profile if you'd like to reach out there.
          Thank you so much again.
          – HEAVEN


@carlisle-cullen-fics You're most welcome and you take as long as you need to focus on yourself. You matter as well and we will be here when you come back. If you need to vent, I'm here for you and you can PM me anytime. :)


Hello lovely people!
          Slight update: I feel a bit better but not enough to post BUT...
          There will be a few changes to how Games will be posted. Instead of longer chapters, there'll be more bite-sized chapters and I'll try to keep it to one POV.
          I may post what I have already for Chapter 7 (2k words or so) soon. Fingers crossed.
          I'll probably be better by the weekend to restart a disciplined writing routine.
          Thank you for all your patience and support!
          – HEAVEN


I hate twilight, ngl but i love ur theme so here!
          -1 FOLLOW
          -ALL OF HER LOVE


            awww, well, ur my friend now :D


@N0_LONGER_HUMAN awww, this is so sweet of you. Thank you so much. This means so much to me <3


Hello everyone.
          I had really big plans to update Games this week and I am very inspired but...
          I'm feeling a bit stressed out. I'm getting that feeling that I get when I'm undergoing some stress addiction and I've been sucked into a social media dopamine hole so I'll be focusing on rest and recalibration.
          I have a lot of plotting to do so that will still be underway but Chapter 7 will be pushed back for a very short while.
          Thanks so much for all your support and understanding and please, let me know how you're liking Games <3 there's a lot more to come.
          – HEAVEN