
Y'ALL - aha ha I really pulled a hiatus on you guys. It took a worldwide pandemic to bring me back to my roots. I haven't logged in here in more than a year but we have updates!! First, new covers for RWASV and Incognito. Next, I'm officially announcing a webcomic coming out of RWASV made by me :) When I have the first few chapters up, I'll post a link! I'm a full-time illustrator/designer now so writing has been something long overdue. 
          	Second... I LOVE YOU ALL wow okay I've been reading the small comments people have written for me and it made me cry. I cannot believe the support I've had and it makes me so so happy. Thank you for sticking around despite my disappearance. 
          	xoxo, catastrophes


@fizzyizzy-- AHHH thank you :,)


@catastrophes I'm KNOW your story will be just as amazing as all the others on there!!! :))


i couldn’t take my mind off RWASV ever since i first read it in 2020 i have constantly searched for updates and i still think about it everyday i never got this addicted to a story before so it would make it the best thing ever if you continue it!


Hi. I just wanted to say that RWASV has been living rent free in my head since the day the latest chapter came out. And i am most likely gonna wait for it to finish if its the last thing i do XDD im too invested. Thank you very much for making this into existence


Y'ALL - aha ha I really pulled a hiatus on you guys. It took a worldwide pandemic to bring me back to my roots. I haven't logged in here in more than a year but we have updates!! First, new covers for RWASV and Incognito. Next, I'm officially announcing a webcomic coming out of RWASV made by me :) When I have the first few chapters up, I'll post a link! I'm a full-time illustrator/designer now so writing has been something long overdue. 
          Second... I LOVE YOU ALL wow okay I've been reading the small comments people have written for me and it made me cry. I cannot believe the support I've had and it makes me so so happy. Thank you for sticking around despite my disappearance. 
          xoxo, catastrophes


@fizzyizzy-- AHHH thank you :,)


@catastrophes I'm KNOW your story will be just as amazing as all the others on there!!! :))


You’re probably so fed up of the constant harassment asking for RMWAS to be continued but I just want to say thanks for giving us what you have because the story and characters have stuck with me this long and I still love re-reading the story you are really an amazing writer so yeah. This is just a big ol thank you for creating something as awesome as you did, you’re a creative genius and I have so so so much respect for you.


@KathleenBlakesley No no, your comment actually made me CRY!! I showed your comment to my partner and friends. I just can't believe I have this kind of epic support and I love you, thank you for reading and reaching out!!