
after many internet issues it is finally up!


I’m about a third of the way through my big project, I’m stuck at the moment, but I’m pushing through. This project has been a long time coming. I’ve worked on this sporadically over the past 8 years. I’ve completely scrapped what was written and started over 3 times so to finally see it coming together is amazing. 


It’s so funny for me to see views on Class  President. This started and still is a way to get me out of my head. This story is the complete opposite of a novel I’m working on. The larger project has been on the back burner for a long time and I’m so excited to be working on it. However like many creatives I can get in my head and it can cause me to get stuck. Class President started as a free writing exercise and it’s funny to see it growing into something different, at least in my mind. 


I’m sorry guys there’s not a new chapter to class President this week. It’s written and my beta readers/editors/friends loved it but I haven’t finished the edit yet because of the holiday! Hopefully it will get done tonight and you will get two chapters next week!