
life has been very challenging lately. i've got a lot of meetings to attend, people to deal with, events to be in, topics to talk about and it's should be my holiday :) people have a lot of problems in my working system and i should be the one who clean that up! then there's a chairman of this organisation who should attend tomorrow meeting but she's away like having smth in another city so i have to finish her job instead. i have to wake up at 5 am tomorrow and be there before the dean arrives at 7 but i don't even know if i can sleep tonight! kafka, you're right. i'm trapped :(


Of course! <3 And you’re completely right. It gives me some level of faith to keep it going, that’s for sure. 


@DaraayuFebrilianty i'm ok don't worry just need to fix my sleeping schedule T_T btw i've been in that phase. it's ok if you feel like you can't write anything. i wasn't write anything for about four months actually. all you have to do is rest and maybe arrange some plots for your story so you'll get inspired to write again! keep it up!


@ cheesydorian  Gosh, I hope you are still alright. Life can be exhausting, almost a bit sh-tty sometimes (haha, yeah ...) Please take a rest even if it's just a minute and I'm glad you still publish the newest chapters even in the tiring situation :) — I haven't published anything lmao T_T


lu masih idup kaga si? gue kngn anjg


@cheesydorian akwoakaok bener jg but gue ga mau grow up capek. jaman 2014 keknya gue badung bgt tp asique. i miss my badung era


@writtenby1d ampun mi lagian kenapa mau balik ke 2014? mau ngebadut jaman album four? ntar galau lagi pas tanggal 25 maret 2015 


@cheesydorian lu yg so soan najis ege gue baek heran lu. pls gue ga baek, pngn balik taon 2014


Halo dorian! ^^
          Aku udah baca review GA dari kamu, bener² ga ekspek sih karena sepositiff itu review yg aku terima! *sobbing* (´ρ`) (tmi: krn aku ngerasa ini cerita udah ke sana-sini gajelas sampe--jujur--ngebingungin diri sendiri, tapi isi kepalaku yg udah siap nerima banyak review kekurangan cerita GA rupanya masih bisa dikasih titik kelebihannya T__T) It really means a lot to me! Terkait ending dan sekuel/prekuel, sejujurnya itu pun udah kepikiran di kepalaku lohh dgn alasan yg mirip² dengan punya dorian hahaha tapi.....masih belum tau (atau belum siap?) buat eksekusinya *nyengir* Maaf kl responsku di sini terkesan menyampah, btw. Soalnya mengingat fitur dm mau dihapus beberapa hari lagi, takutnya rasa terima kasihku ini gak sempat dinotis dorian (_ _)
          Akhir kata, terima kasih banyak atas review-nya, dorian! Sehat selalu ya kamu, dan tidak pernah berhenti menciptakan karya-karya luar biasa ❤️❤️❤️


@rhosyng sorry rho itu aku kepencet delete pdhl mau pencet reply T_T terima kasih udah nungguin, the same goes for you as always ❤
            iya kamu bisa spill ig kamu dulu soalnya aku blm bikin ig khusus buat temen² wp. ntar kalo dah bikin langsung aku follow dan say hi di dm :D


hi! i hope i'm not bothering you. if i am, please delete it. just i need readers for my new design book that i just published. if you're interested in these, could you please take a look at the book?


Hello! I really wanted to read your book ‘the theory of metanoia, but I realised it wasn’t in English :(( even though I can’t read it the casting is amazing and I already said about the cover! :)) 


@cheesydorian oh okay I completely understand!! And your welcome!! :))


@coast_by_coast yeah unfortunately it's not in english idek if i'm gonna make the english version bcs i havent even finish the original one but thanks for put an interest on my book included the cast and cover, also the cover wouldnt be exist without the talented @PittieLau <3 


I love your theme!!


@coast_by_coast thanks but timmy in your acc looks so fine 


Hi kak, mind to read my story? 
          I'll be glad to see you there
          See you and thanks in advance <3


@ cheesydorian  thank youuu kakk <3


@dLovegood7 will do when i have spare time ^_^ 


life has been very challenging lately. i've got a lot of meetings to attend, people to deal with, events to be in, topics to talk about and it's should be my holiday :) people have a lot of problems in my working system and i should be the one who clean that up! then there's a chairman of this organisation who should attend tomorrow meeting but she's away like having smth in another city so i have to finish her job instead. i have to wake up at 5 am tomorrow and be there before the dean arrives at 7 but i don't even know if i can sleep tonight! kafka, you're right. i'm trapped :(


Of course! <3 And you’re completely right. It gives me some level of faith to keep it going, that’s for sure. 


@DaraayuFebrilianty i'm ok don't worry just need to fix my sleeping schedule T_T btw i've been in that phase. it's ok if you feel like you can't write anything. i wasn't write anything for about four months actually. all you have to do is rest and maybe arrange some plots for your story so you'll get inspired to write again! keep it up!


@ cheesydorian  Gosh, I hope you are still alright. Life can be exhausting, almost a bit sh-tty sometimes (haha, yeah ...) Please take a rest even if it's just a minute and I'm glad you still publish the newest chapters even in the tiring situation :) — I haven't published anything lmao T_T