
Silly girl.
          	You wanted a dangerous man, now you can't handle him.
          	Silly, delusional girl.


Voglio scappare :(


I have to have twists in my stories. I'm addicted to them. I can't live without them.


@ana_k_writes off campus has a twist. Haha


@ana_k_writes For sure! All the twists! That's why I can't plan my stories out, I want twists to happen organically. 


Stop telling authors how to write their books. Instead, get your ass up and write your own. If the characters are a certain way, it's because the author wanted them to be like that. We create them. If you don't like it, get out. 


@ana_k_writes this right here! 100x yes!! I'm glad somebody has said it! I have deleted so many mean comments this week about my characters and writing, plots etc etc. But none of the rude ones have written anything themselves. I usually tell them if they don't like it just close the book, i it's not their taste, go find another. But this week I chose violence and started removing comments and even blocking the seriously abrasive people. I hate that it's come to that, but some make me not even feel like continuing stories. 


@ana_k_writes omg you have said what every writer thinks. Thank you! Our characters are just that, OUR characters. 


I envy writers on here who can pop out chapters every week. I can  barely find the time to sit and edit my book, let alone finish a whole chapter. I've been working on the same chapter for weeks, convincing myself that it's better to let it sit before rushing to publish. 


@ana_k_writes I barely edit before publishing on wattpad lol 


@ana_k_writes for me, I set a publish date for my works M-F. I try and fill those dates with at least one book. I pre-write most of the books completely. Of the 4 ongoing now, one is totally handwritten, just typing it up. Two are totally finished just need editing before I pub each week. The fourth I stay 3-5 chapters ahead. The fifth coming soon I am on chapter 4 and will start posting that on 2 or 3 weeks. When I get stuck on one I go to another I’m not stuck on. Also, I have others I am mapping out, plotting, fleshing out characters, etc. At least 2-3 extra I’m always working on. I know, I know it’s a lot! Some days I write nothing. Some days I write 3-5 chapters in various works 


@ana_k_writes you can tell the chapters that I rush, and the ones I sit on for weeks. 
            My new book won't be uploaded until its finished, as I keep going back a few chapters to edit and change speeches. 