
Hi everyone! 
          	Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA, I’ve been really suffering from COVID and have not been feeling well enough to write. 
          	I don’t want to put up any chapters that I don’t feel are ready because you guys deserve more than that and most of you know that I am a true perfectionist when it comes to my writing and storyline. 
          	I am starting to recover so hopefully I’ll be able to get a chapter finalised and uploaded very soon. 
          	Thank you all,
          	Love Gigi xxx


@cuteedirectionx CAPRI SUN SUPREMACY>>>>>>>


@malone_stad thank you I appreciate your support sm xx 


Hi everyone! 
          Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA, I’ve been really suffering from COVID and have not been feeling well enough to write. 
          I don’t want to put up any chapters that I don’t feel are ready because you guys deserve more than that and most of you know that I am a true perfectionist when it comes to my writing and storyline. 
          I am starting to recover so hopefully I’ll be able to get a chapter finalised and uploaded very soon. 
          Thank you all,
          Love Gigi xxx


@cuteedirectionx CAPRI SUN SUPREMACY>>>>>>>


@malone_stad thank you I appreciate your support sm xx 


hey i was winding when the next update would be? x no rush ik things are hard with school for you. hope your doing alright x


don’t rush, take your time hope you had a wonderful birthday keep up the amazing writing xx


Very soon I promise! I have been so busy with school work and it was also my birthday so I haven’t had the time to write! I promise though that I will update soon and it will be a long one! Thank you for the support gorgeous xxxx


Guys! I am having issues with my Wattpad connection and it won’t let me save any new words or properly upload for tonight! So annoying but I will figure it out tonight and get the update posted early tomorrow morning! 
          Apologies! Wattpad is a melt :/ 
          - Gigi xx 


Hello..I ws just wondering wen r u going to upload the next chapter??..i cn understand that ur busy...Hope everythings going Ok xx


Hey! Sorry I’ve been so inactive I have a huge essay due this weekend for school and it’s very important! I have been working on the latest chapter and it is LONG over 4000 words. It will be out soon I promise xx