
I’m starting a Julie and The Phantoms one-shot book! You can send in requests for any m/m pairing. 



@imright77 I hope you do. It’ll be one step closer to independence, which was what I was feeling when I got my first card. 


@d_pow414 I'm hoping to get my own card type thing so I can just order my own stuff online and hope my parents don't look


Attention everyone! I now have a book on Amazon!!! It’s called “Orientation”. It is a collection of short stories, some old some new. It is available in ebook and paperback, but I personally prefer paperback. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and I hope you continue supporting me. I am already in the beginning stages of my next collection, along with a Young Adult novel. 
          Orientation https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085RRGQ2N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_SCbCEbH2D170A