
Guys, L’s in the chat!! I look so bad today and it’s so depressing. I thought I ate but then the lip liner just ruined the whole thing I think. But it’s not like my crush will think, “she’s ugly” because he’s gay.


Let me tell y’all how I hate my 4th period friend group so much. There’s 5 of us + their friend who I don’t talk to. I’ve been friends with one of them for 2 years?  And the other since last year but knew her from 2 years ago and the other one, we just started talking a few months ago. Both of those girls met the new girl from me. The only reason they’re friends with her is because of me. SIGH. Anyways, they are always talking to each other and leave me out. Then my 1 year friend said she feels so much closer to my months friend than she has ever been with anyone else, like you just met for real. Then she has Th audacity to ask to use my mirror and mascara. Then my new friend has the audacity to play with my hair and the other doesn’t really say much. Then sometimes they basically make fun of me behind my back like I don’t sit right in front of them..It’s so annoying because they would’ve never been speaking to the new girl if it wasn’t for me. This is why I’d rather have my girlfriend instead but that butch left me all alone at lunch.

