
Hey guys, I'll be deleting some stories and making new ones so if you have anything you'd like to see written, let know 


Do you promotе your books on Neobook ?


@zurinesoriri96pwj oh thanks for telling me, I'll keep that in mind. Kinda messed up that they're doin that though. I guess its a good thing i only post my fanfics on here instead of my actual writing, those are like my babies and I'd go scorched earth if i found out someone stole them


@deadlycherry90 Be careful!!! Scammers on here often ask if you promote on Neobook without responding. Scammers and bots promote neobook, which is a writing platform similar to wattpad. Neobook has no protection for their writers, allowing other users easy access to stealing other peoples works! Many stories from here have been stolen and posted there. Be cafeful when interacting with these bots please ❤️❤️


@zurinesoriri96pwj I've never heard of it. What is it?


Ok for all my followers, I've decided to delete my Billy Loomis story and write another so I want to know what you guys like. Let me know
          Stay safe 


You know whats absolutely insane to me, that I've been on here since 2021 but I've been thinking about writing another billy loomis story, I'm just trying to get some actual ideas for it and its been a cluster in my head lol but thank you so much for enjoying my writing 


Soz I know I’m like many years too late but I just read one of your Goode fics then saw in the A/n about billy, done a profile stalk and saw this! I love your twisted writing style and I NEED A BILLY VERSION PLEASE 