
I've decided to unpublish Stolen. Since they removed the book from the ranking system two weeks ago, the readers have dropped from 15 to 20 per day to 0 to 1.  Thank you so much to everyone who read the book and gave me such positive feedback. xoxo


@danicapcosta Inkitt doesn't allow inline comments as Wattpad allows.


@Katiabtk Thank you so much for all the support you've given me. Yes, Wattpad has suddenly changed. I wondered if it was to do with another company wanting to put in money but they wanted Wattpad to change things. These sorts of things are usually to do with money and not benefits to users.


@danicapcosta Yes, I hadn't thought of that scene. That's a good idea.  Thank you. Xo


Hello fellow reading friend of What She Hid!  It’s been nice chatting in the comment section 


@donnaf1828 awesome! I’m currently only working with like 2 others. Cuz life and I kinda vanished from WP for about a year. So just getting back in the swing of things. But home life keeps me way more busy than a few years ago. And work lol. Do you use discord?


@Ink_DayDreams I have 6 on the go at the moment, but definitely will when I finish some of them.  I suspect you're reading a few, too.
            We are in the process of moving too. Fingers crossed, just waiting for a building inspection to give us the all clear, so fingers crossed. If all goes smoothly, I'll be busy packing, but when things settle down, we'll definitely do read for read.


@donnaf1828 well if your ever interested in doing a slooooow read for read one of these days. I wouldn’t mind taking a look at your stuff. Though I know it seems like you’re busy and might have enough of those going on  let me know if that changes!


Hey there!
          Thank you for following me ❤️
           I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're taking care of yourself.
          Did you remember to eat and drink something today?
           Have you been getting enough rest and sleep?
           Is there anything exciting happening in your life ?
           And how are your books coming along? 
          Whatever you're going through, never forget that my message board is always open for you to talk about anything at all. 
          Have a wonderful day! 


            Thank you for being so caring. All is well with me. I'm working on a new project so life is exciting. 
            How about you? Are you well?
            Have an awesome day.


          Can we do a read-for-read? Here's how it will work you read my book and I will read yours. Let's follow, vote and comment and hopefully, we can get to know each other. What do you say?


@RHEAMAHESHWARI4 No problem.  Good luck with your book.


@donnaf1828 Both the profiles are mine. I have posted my story on the other one. Follow the other one so that I can follow you back. I just came across your profile randomly. 


@RHEAMAHESHWARI4 Hi, I'm a little confused.   Your link takes me to a different profile than the one sent by this message. 
            I'm very happy to follow you if you return the follow, but at this stage, I'm sorry, I can't do any read for reads as my reading lists are at capacity. Can I ask why you decided to approach me and how you discovered my profile. I'm always interested to know.


I've decided to unpublish Stolen. Since they removed the book from the ranking system two weeks ago, the readers have dropped from 15 to 20 per day to 0 to 1.  Thank you so much to everyone who read the book and gave me such positive feedback. xoxo


@danicapcosta Inkitt doesn't allow inline comments as Wattpad allows.


@Katiabtk Thank you so much for all the support you've given me. Yes, Wattpad has suddenly changed. I wondered if it was to do with another company wanting to put in money but they wanted Wattpad to change things. These sorts of things are usually to do with money and not benefits to users.


@danicapcosta Yes, I hadn't thought of that scene. That's a good idea.  Thank you. Xo


It looks like the blurb has been removed from my book Stolen. I just wondered if you can see it or if it's from my side. I'm using the app at the moment. If it has been removed by Wattpad, I'll have to take the whole book down.
          Cheers, Donna.


@DennisRoyer Thank you.  They removed it from the rankings about two weeks ago so I've been waiting to see what the next move is.  I think I might unpublish it for a while until they sort out the site.


@danicapcosta Thank you.  Not sure what's happening.  They've taken it away from the rankings so I thought they might be removing it.  I can see it on the computer but not the app.


@hrb264 Thank you.  A similar thing happened to me when clicking on a link to a book.  It kept telling me the link didn't exsist.


Hi All, I want to share this amazing work by @cstahle The Blue Hour was formerly known as The Last Sultan. I first came across it under that title.  The book has now come back to Wattpad.  I honestly can't describe how truly amazing this book is. The author's research and skill in putting this story together is mind-blowing. Please get behind her and support her work. This is seriously a literary prize winner. You will be transported into every scene as if you are there, watching from behind a curtain. ❤️❤️


People have advised others to request a manual review of their shadow banned work via the help. That way Wattpad might realize how many mistakes their AI is making.


@donnaf1828 "It's the wonderful friends I've made that are keeping me here."  :  )  Truly. They are lucky writers get that. Otherwise, this site would be toast.


@JonLeePeto Yes, I agree. I thought about sending in a request for them to review my books, but I figure a lot of people have probably done that, and hopefully, they'll change this AI thing. In the past, they've actually removed a book of mine, then I've had 3 others stolen from Wattpad and put on other sites without my permission.  That was very stressful at the time. If it's not one thing, it's another. Comment issues, then notification issues, I even had them take down a staged photo of a man who'd fallen off a ladder. It was a photo from a workplace health and safety site. An actor. No blood or gruesome stuff, just him lying with a drill in his hand. The picture in my next chapter was a really gruesome photo of a head injury, a man's swollen face, black eyes, etc, but they left that one up. I have no understanding how they decided the actor photo was worse than the real one. It's the wonderful friends I've made that are keeping me here.


Hi All, I want to thank the readers, who have been getting to know Shay and Samuel in my book Stolen.  The book is being read in 35 countries with an average of 20 readers per day.  Not sure if the Wattpad stats are real but it's made my day, that's for sure.  Thanks again to everyone who has read the book. Very much appreciated. I have been watching the read numbers rise and am so thrilled that you are enjoying the story.  For those who would like to meet the pair of lost souls, I've shared the link.
          Also many thanks to readers of Black Cat, which is being read in 39 countries at the moment.
          In other news, I've started to edit some of my books, and wow, I can't believe how overwritten some of them are. I attended a Writer's Festival last weekend and though I've been writing for 25 years I realised how little I know about writing.  I learn something new every day.  My advice to fellow writers is don't ever be offended if a reader points out your spelling or grammar mistakes or tells you a scene doesn't work.  I know it can hurt, but constructive comments are worth their weight in gold. Come back to the comment or scene a few days later and look at it with calm eyes.  Most times you'll understand what they are seeing.  And besides, editing is expensive and readers who help you by pointing out mistakes are your best asset.
          Cheers, Donna xoxo


@donnaf1828 Pleased to hear! Hope it's going well. Will be waiting for your new books! <3


@preciouspearl20 Thank you. I've been good. Hope you're well too. I'm painting the inside walls of my house so haven't had a lot of writing time lately. 


@donnaf1828 Writing and editing are totally different things, so yes I agree we shouldn't do it all together. Edit later when your draft is done with a calm mind. Also huge congrats! How are you doing nowadays? Writing anything new?


Donna, are you rewriting "Twenty-Three-Hundred" and "Bell Ringer?" They popped up in my Notifications as new.


@DennisRoyer Hi Dennis.  I had taken them down to edit, which I'm still doing.  Then I decided my list of books was looking a little sad so I've added the prologues and first chapters so they are showing.  I don't intend to put them back up for a while as they need a lot of work, hahaha.


Hello, good to "hear" from you. Thank you for adding - A Tourist in Mayberry - to your reading list. I promise to start reading again as soon as I get this series up, I'm adding chapters every day until it's all up. Anyway, hope you are well, I've been reading about your floods. Terrible. I hope you are all safe.