
All he knows is that he has brown eyes 
          	He didn’t hear his voice 
          	He didn’t see his face 
          	Just his beautiful brown eyes 
          	There was a new kid at school. Always wore a face mask even though the mask mandate was lifted over a year ago. People made fun of this kid for it. But not Zach. 
          	Zach was quiet he was athletic but too shy to be on sports teams. Zach was smart too. He didn’t have many friends. But then one day a new boy shows up. His face half covered by a mask. Zach caught his eyes immediately. Bright brown eyes. Full of light and life. Or so Zach thought. 
          	Asher was quiet transferred schools more times than he could count. His parents moved around a lot for work and everytime they landed somewhere new they said “this is the last time I know it is” this time they said they meant it. Asher had facial dysmorphia. If he looked at his face too long in pictures or the mirror it looked deformed to him so he covered it. First day at his new school a boy at the back of the room caught his eyes. One blue one green. 
          	Would you guys read this story? 


All he knows is that he has brown eyes 
          He didn’t hear his voice 
          He didn’t see his face 
          Just his beautiful brown eyes 
          There was a new kid at school. Always wore a face mask even though the mask mandate was lifted over a year ago. People made fun of this kid for it. But not Zach. 
          Zach was quiet he was athletic but too shy to be on sports teams. Zach was smart too. He didn’t have many friends. But then one day a new boy shows up. His face half covered by a mask. Zach caught his eyes immediately. Bright brown eyes. Full of light and life. Or so Zach thought. 
          Asher was quiet transferred schools more times than he could count. His parents moved around a lot for work and everytime they landed somewhere new they said “this is the last time I know it is” this time they said they meant it. Asher had facial dysmorphia. If he looked at his face too long in pictures or the mirror it looked deformed to him so he covered it. First day at his new school a boy at the back of the room caught his eyes. One blue one green. 
          Would you guys read this story? 


So 9-1-1 fans how we feeling after last nights episode? If you haven’t watched it find a way to watch it I found it on YouTube and I’ll put the link at the end of this post I’m feeling happy but also a bit disappointed but also super excited!! 
          Alors les fans de 9-1-1 comment est ce que ont se sens après hier? Si tu ne la pas regarder je vais mettre un lien de YouTube au fin de cette post je suis contente mais aussi un peux déçu mais aussi très excité 
          Voici le lien/here’s the link: https://youtu.be/AV-Siovx10k?si=Qjxz3vIj4BcJ2fcz


Hi, I am pausing writing just for now I’m so sorry but I haven’t had the motivation or time to update or write I’ll get back to it eventually but it’s been busy recently and I just need a break sorry Ive been busy and a lack of motivation at some point I will continue writing or maybe I’ll try one shots but for Leo I’m putting fighting fires on pause until future notice 
          Bonjour, je prend un pause juste pour maintenant j’en ai pas de motivation pour écrire ni le temps. Je vais peut-être écrire des histoires courtes ou un nouveau livre mais pour maintenant ‘fighting fires’ est en pause 


Hi again I know I don’t write dsmp much anymore however until further notice or more things are explained I wont be writing about George anymore so that means no more dnf I will leave up any stories that include George but no new ones will contain him if you want more information I suggest you watch caitibugzz stream go support caiti always support victims 
          Bonjour. Me sais que je n’écrit pas le dsmp mais dans le futur si j’écris plus dsmp je ne vais pas écrire George si tu veux de l’information sur ce qui a passer aller regarder thé stream de caitibugzz si tu la besoin en français envoie moi un message et je peux t’expliquer je vais laisser tous mes histoires qui ont George comme un personnage mais dans le futur il ne vais pas être un personnage dans mes histoires aller supporter caiti 


Scratch that we’re writing George again 


Hi I know I don’t really write dsmp anymore but I want to again and I’ve been trying however with the recent news on Wilbur I will not be incorporating him into any stories I write in the future with dsmp… that being said I will still choose to write about Phil and Tommy and the rest of SBI without Wilbur until phil and Tommy speak out if they say anything defending Wilbur I might choose to step back from them as well but until that happens I will only not be writing Wilbur I will not be removing Wilbur from my already published stories however I will not be writing him in the future 
          Bonjour je sais que je n’écrit pas vraiment le dsmp mais je veut et j’essaye encore mais je ne vais pas écrire les histoires sur avec Wilbur par ce que il y avait de l’information qui a sorti aujourd’hui vous pouvez aller le lire sur Twitter je vais encore écrire Phil et Tommy jusque au temps qu’ils dit quelque chose qui défend wilbur si ça ce passe je ne vais pas enlever wilbur de mes histories qui sont déjà publier mais juste de mes histoires de la future merci 


Bonjour! Je vais essayer de écrire les histoires en français pour que plus de personnes peuvent lire mes histoires. Je vais soit traduire mes histoires que j’ai déjà écrit en français ou je vais commencer un histoire complètement nouveau. Aussi quelque chose important est que ma language principale n’est pas le français alors si il y a des fautes s’il vous plaît disent moi ou aide moi pour que tout est correcte. J’ai un couple de sites webs que je peut utiliser pour m’aider à assurer que ma français est le meilleur que possible mais il va avoir probablement encore des fautes. 
          Hi im going to try snd start writing some of my stories in French so that more people will be able to enjoy the stories i write im either going to translate my already written and published stories or im going to write completely new stories 


Hi everyone! Sorry it’s been a while. I want to keep writing I’m just taking a break I’m trying to work on some one shots and I’m trying to think of ideas for my fighting fires book would you guys mind if I put fighting fires on pause and started a completely new story? And what would you guys think if i wrote a MayxRavi ship story? Because I found that ship recently and love it a lot. And I have an idea… sorry again but let me know what you think 


@dreamsmp911 i’m sure i will, i also think the mayxravi could be interesting. i’d definitely read it!!


@1-800-GHOSTFACEISBAE I definitely plan to finish writing fighting fires I just didn’t plan out my entire story line and only planned out the final plot idea so I’m having a hard time filling in the space between the end and where I’m at. I don’t think I’m going to start a new story yet but maybe at some point but not yet I just wanted peoples opinions on the ship thanks for your input I hope you like the story! 


haven’t read fighting fires yet but i was just about to start, but you gotta finish even if you pause it for nowwwww


Hi I would just like to say really quick that if you find spelling errors in any of the chapters please point them out and I will fix them. I use a keyboard to type but I’m not very good at typing and I do have autocorrect but there are certain words that I have spelt wrong so many times that it doesn’t autocorrect any my keyboard sometimes just doesn’t correct it for me so if there’s any please feel free to point them out so I can fix them I also don’t proof read any of my chapters before I publish them