
TPOT 10!!!!
          	LETS GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
          	It wasn't what I was expecting, but a really fun episode with a lot of character development!! 
          	I voted for Pillow.


          Is this why you used scatterbrain in the DSAU things
          I’d make a comment on the story but I don’t wanna type the entire link when I can just copy and paste


if I discovered the song any sooner I would’ve been able to (maybe) get the clues to the song-


@LolbitTV Yes!!! That's exactly right!!! I also just love the song. It's on the playlist I listen to every day!!!


Something fun is coming!!!
          So a couple weeks back, I watched a short hfjONE animation on YouTube, and it gave me a very random idea. I commented below the video, and I keep getting notifications of people liking my random weird AU idea...
          ...so yeah I decided to write it, even though I never planned to.
          New AU ONE-shot coming soon!


@Bonbon_8272 Wait actually?!?!?! That's crazy!!! Well... I'm posting the chapter right now!


@ edgyphaze4everr  I follow u because that video


          So here's the thing.
          I spent all of last week trying to write chapter 19 of WWC, and I got about halfway through before I realized that it just wasn't working the way I want it to. I have been struggling with inspiration for the story since shortly after Christmas, and I just thought I'd let you guys know that I'm officially putting the book on hiatus.
          I'm sorry. I promised myself I wouldn't do this, but here I am. When I reread my draft, it just sounded bland and rushed. It was not my best work, and not what I want for WWC. I'm not going to force myself to write some half-done crap just to get it out there. WWC deserves so much more than that.
          Don't get me wrong. This story is a big part of my life and I will definitely come back to it. I just don't know when.
          I'm sorry to all of you guys reading WWC, I know what it feels like for an author to drop something right in the middle. It sucks.
          Until then, I'll be working on my hfjONE-shots book, so to all of you guys interested in that, you're in luck!
          And to the rest of you, I hope you stick around.
          Until next time, Edgy out.


@edgyphaze4everr Unfortunately, this happens. It happens to me pretty frequently. Like, I just dropped FAF for a month because I just couldn't get it to sound right. And that was a pretty short break compared to some of my other ones! I didn't update Eyes Like Mine for about 6 months once, then proceeded to wait another 8 for the next chapter! Sometimes your subconscious just needs some time to work on things. Usually the words come back eventually!


@ edgyphaze4everr  It's fine, you'll come back to it later, and even if you wouldn't, it's completely fine! Get all the time you need, write what you want to and when you want to and enjoy it! Don't be scared about us, I'm sure every single one of us understands. Write what you want and when you will feel like writting WWC, do it. But only if you feel like it, don't force yourself (it would end up BAD) C:


Heyo my Edgelings!!!
          I promise you that I'm still working on WWC!!! Right now I'm just having some hyperfixation with hfjONE and the OSC (Object Show Community) in general!
          Chapter 19 is already planned out! I simply need to take the time to write it! I promise it won't be too much longer! Maybe another week or two.
          And to all my followers here because of hfjONE or the OSC... Your in luck because I am pretty much writing that stuff non-stop! Coming up next we have ...Airy was a Little Co-Host.
          I still need to come up with an AU name for it though... you guys have any name ideas?
          Also also! I would love it if you guys went and checked out the PottAiry chapter of my hfjONE book! I worked really hard on that project and am very happy with the results!
          Thank you so much guys!
          Edgy out!


@dvrkshades I would love to be besties and I'm so happy you like my story!! I will make sure the next chapter is top-notch edgy!


@edgyphaze4everr   Hi omg i love your story (WWC)!!! It’s written so well. I get the feel of the edgyness and I love it !! I’d love if we could become edgy bestfriends. I can’t not wait for you to post the next chapter. You should make it  extraaa edgy. 


@edgyphaze4everr I WASNT SURE IF YOUD MISSED IT OR JUST READ IT WITHOUT INTERNET ;~; anyway thank you for the comments they are my fuel
            I will check it out!! Trying to avoid getting into new fandoms while I have so many Minecraft WIPs though LOL


omg i’m such a big fan of all of your works! you are such a great writer and your so cool and edgy. I’d love to be friends with you and we can both become edge masters. I cant wait to ready your next edgy fic. Your new bestie, Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way


@ieatmen Hiya! I'm so happy that you like the things I write, and yes! I'd love to be friends! We shall become masters of the edgyness!


Hello my Edgelings!
          I just wanted to give you an update on my life rn. 
          I just got into an amazing, animated YouTube series called ONE by hfj cheesy. It's beautifully well made with one of the best storylines I have ever seen!!! The last nine episodes had me at the edge of my seat, and the ending made me cry for hours.
          I have now watched all 18 episodes 6 times now, so I guess you could say I'm a little obsessed lol.
          I'm also writing a few ONE-shots (get it). I just thought I would let you guys know the reason why WWC chapter 19 is going to come out a few days late... Don't worry! WWC is still my priority, but I'm simply very inspired by this new series rn.
          Edgy out!


@stickfiguresokay YES!!! My Watty twin for real!!!! I'm so happy that some else is also into the fandom!!! I can't wait to read your fic if you ever decide to publish!


@edgyphaze4everr OMG!! I love ONE! I actually started a fic about it at one point, lol...still working on finishing it XD


@Honest_Healer You don't need to apologize! I don't expect you to read my stuff, but I do enjoy chatting with you like this! I can't wait to read your Minecraft book if you decide to publish it! I also understand being too distracted with a show to the point where you can't think about anything else lol. That's pretty much what ONE is for me. I'm just writing ONE-shots to get all my inspiration out so I can get back to focusing on WWC!


Merry Christmas!!! Hope you are enjoying your time :D


@ edgyphaze4everr  I had Christmas on 20th cause my dad couldn't be here today nor the past days, but I am still enjoying the time while doing things I love, like reading, drawing and writting :>
            Thanks for asking ^^
            And I'm happy you're enjoying Christmas with your family :D


@Fox_sk I am! I had a Christmas party with my whole family today and got several cool things!!! How about you?


Hi my Edgelings! I just added the sketch to the last chapter of WWC! (That's the abbreviation for When Worlds Collide btw ;)
          Also, I will soon be publishing a book of WWC extras, in which I will elaborate on fun stuff like character personality types, how I get my inspiration, weapons stats, and side character backstories.
          I'm also open to Q&A about both my books and my personal life! I will answer any question, just know that if you ask a stupid question, you will get a stupid answer which may or may not actually be true.
          Edgy out!