
 Exciting News! Short Story Now Published! 
          	Dear readers/bb's,
          	I am thrilled to announce that the eagerly awaited short story is now published and ready for you to read! 
          	Thank you for your support, and happy reading!
          	Best regards,


I saw the word "eccedentesiast" on your page, it's such a beautiful word! I am so happy to finally see someone using it, and even more when it says you are an eccedentesiast. I really liked your short story when I read it a long time ago now, the only downside is that it's too short! I wanted more but I know it was meant to be short, to strike the reader even harder (I am not sure of the use of this word, English is not my first language). 


@ XXXXsomeone  sorry for this message it sounds really weird now that I read it again 


@ XXXXsomeone  sorry for this message it sounds really weird now that I read it again 


@XXXXsomeone actually I saw the word eccedentesiast from somewhere and I kinda relate to it :< anyways thank you for reading my very short story '^-^♡♡♡


 Exciting News! Short Story Now Published! 
          Dear readers/bb's,
          I am thrilled to announce that the eagerly awaited short story is now published and ready for you to read! 
          Thank you for your support, and happy reading!
          Best regards,


 Coming July 17th: "Indelible Memories" - A Heartbreaking Short Story
          Dear readers/bb's,
          I have an announcement to make. On July 17th at midnight (12am EST), I will be releasing my first short story that I wrote. Brace yourself for a heart-wrenching narrative that explores the complexities of love and loss, leaving an everlasting impact.
          Prepare to be moved by its emotional journey, even though it may not have a happy ending.
          Thank you for your continued support.
          Best regards,