
You may be EATING or THROWING UP today's new Albus chapter (depending on whether you like Roscoe or not...). Anywayssss.....enjoy! <33 More to come soon!


til this day my heart and soul flutters at the thought of Why He Jumped. i love that book so much, it consumes me. the characters, the plot, the EMOTIONS. its everything is so perfect. thank you for creating such art, you truly are immensely talented. whenever the book gets published, i will be buying copies after copies, every edition. love you and wish you the best x 


Thank you so much ♥️


Started 'why he jumped' at 5 am and after completing 'Adam and I' it was 7:43 am. I just wanna say thank you for writing this book, you have no idea how much i needed this...Swollen eyes, when I wake up, are worth it~<3


@english-rain Aaaoooohhh so this was republished. I found your Instagram ID and I had a few questions if you'd don't mind answering them


@Deeba0 Thank you so much for reading <3. It is set in 2014 because that is when I originally first published it :)


Why did you set the book in the year of 2014?


Hello everyone, long time no see! I’m hoping to be more active on Wattpad for the next couple of weeks, finish off some old projects etc etc. In the meantime, I’ve published a new chapter of “Miss Perfection Personified”. If you haven’t already read it, please do check it out! It’s a fun, campy YA story - cliche mean girls and love triangles and all with my own spin to it ♥️ I am insanely proud of it and would love your support! I’m also open to read for reads if you would like! -english-rain xx