
Hullo, Coda here. Been a while, huh? Today, I’m promoting a contest where I am one of the judges. I haven’t judged for a contest since 2022, but I know I won’t get burnt out with just the one haha.
          	I am a member of the Rainbow Bookclub on the @freethelgbt profile, as well as a member of the server (link included in their profile). We run a safe and friendly ship, so I’m certain this awards will be done much the same. 
          	There is no limit to entries, so come apply, if you have a book with lgbt+ elements! I will be judging the fantasy entries.


@erifnidne Hi, I'll try it out, last year I tried to write an lgbtq sci-fi story ... not the best, but I like to do challenges. So I'll try it out!


Hullo, Coda here. Been a while, huh? Today, I’m promoting a contest where I am one of the judges. I haven’t judged for a contest since 2022, but I know I won’t get burnt out with just the one haha.
          I am a member of the Rainbow Bookclub on the @freethelgbt profile, as well as a member of the server (link included in their profile). We run a safe and friendly ship, so I’m certain this awards will be done much the same. 
          There is no limit to entries, so come apply, if you have a book with lgbt+ elements! I will be judging the fantasy entries.


@erifnidne Hi, I'll try it out, last year I tried to write an lgbtq sci-fi story ... not the best, but I like to do challenges. So I'll try it out!


          I apologize to those who were reading The Forgettables who suddenly can't find the story. I've taken it down permanently. I wish I could have waited a bit longer for those who are near the end to finish, but I also felt that if I didn't do it now, I never would. 
          I also took down The Arena Book One and FANA. 
          I don't know when or if they will come back. Apologies. Since they are first drafts, there are many errors in them, especially since my natural creative state is that of a plantser. So, there are many inconsistencies. While they aren't finished, these problems continued to pile up and made what I was newly writing feel tainted. 
          Some of them need complete plot rehauls, narrower world-building, and more interesting characters. I think these stories grew too big for my current skill set. I no longer feel confident to tell them, and this feeling has been building so long now that I've finally made peace with it and decided to act on it. 
          Salvation gets the most readers on here, so I'm keeping it up. I hope to finish that one for those who found it. 
          High Elf is my newest baby, so it has more of a chance to stay consistent with who I am as a writer now. The goal is to finish these two.
          I'm also going to dive deeply into research, hoping to polish off an idea come time for NaNoWriMo. 
          Unfortunately, I changed so much as a person, creator, and writer since the conception of these stories. When I started them, I had enough time to make lots of progress on their writing. I never expected to still be writing them three years later. I can't allow myself to fall into that pit fall ever again.
          It's really sad to unpublish books. I feel I've let my characters down, but taking this journey with them taught me how to be on Wattpad, how to struggle, and how to grow. I owe them everything for this journey I've been on. 
          But it's time. I knew this was coming, I was just waiting for the day I accepted it inside of me first. 
          'Til next time,


@Kolgrim83 Thank you so much for all your support!


@erifnidne I think you are a talented writer! I did enjoy Forgettables, though I was a very slow reader due to other books I'm reading. I do see great potential in the story and perhaps one day you will return to writing it.
            It's always best to do what feels right for you! 
            Time and separation from the story can sometimes do wonders when you eventually return to it. At least that's what happened to me. Silent is now miles apart from the version I wrote almost twenty years ago; it embarrasses me to read it now, haha.  But now I can finally say I'm proud of it. 
            I hope the same thing happens to you with these stories you took down! ❤️


Hello, hello! Back from my posting hiatus with 53 scheduled chapters ready to be shared between February and June. Yes, this starts next week. This is your warning that there will be 2-4 new updates each week from me, so now’s the time to stop following me if you don’t want to deal with that lol.
          I hope everyone’s holiday season went well. I changed jobs, read A LOT, and succeeded in all my editing and art goals. I have officially reached the starting line for the rest of my life, or as I like to call it, the MURKY MIDDLE. So excitedddd :P
          Among this batch of new chapters comes my newest story, the first in a planned trilogy, about fae folk, dragons, and redemption. This is wholly inspired by all of my pet-raising experiences, so check that out next Saturday, the 3rd.
          May everyone’s writing goals for 2024 be successful. ‘Til next time!


@erifnidne congrats! That's all very exciting. Hoping the middle isn't as murky as you expect it to be, and that these changes are all for the better.


Thought I was gone for the season? Well, not yet! My poor TABO needs to be in a club. My other stories seem to be doing fairly well in their arrangements, but TABO, my pride and joy, has lost much with the disappearance of PIP. 
          Therefore, here's a brand-new club to look into, with two different reading options. It's pretty versatile and seems like good rapport can be built between partners. 
          Check out the Crescent Bookclub: