
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that the new stuff I am working on is being posted to AO3, if you're interested. I'm having fun there posting a new novel. My AO3 is 18+ though, so be warned! View at your own discretion.


@Finn_sharkie Hi, Finn! Thank you very much for your sweet message! It was such a treat to receive. It's been so great getting back into writing and posting again. I hope you have a fantastic start to the new year, and that you enjoy my content over on AO3! 


@evacreates Thank you for the announcement!! I'm really excited to read your absolutely stellar works on AO3. Your writing is always inspiring and beyond enjoyable to get lost in. I'm very happy to see your return, and I wish for you to have an amazing new year!


Hey everyone! Just a reminder that the new stuff I am working on is being posted to AO3, if you're interested. I'm having fun there posting a new novel. My AO3 is 18+ though, so be warned! View at your own discretion.


@Finn_sharkie Hi, Finn! Thank you very much for your sweet message! It was such a treat to receive. It's been so great getting back into writing and posting again. I hope you have a fantastic start to the new year, and that you enjoy my content over on AO3! 


@evacreates Thank you for the announcement!! I'm really excited to read your absolutely stellar works on AO3. Your writing is always inspiring and beyond enjoyable to get lost in. I'm very happy to see your return, and I wish for you to have an amazing new year!


Hello lovely people of Wattpad! Once again I dare to show my face. I don't know if I'll be posting on here anytime soon because for many of the projects I am working on, I prefer to post to AO3. So, if you like my writing and would like to read more of my work, feel free to hop on over there. But be warned, my AO3 is 18+ and I may or may not post cursed content. Once again, you've been warned.
          And a huge thank you to anyone who has stuck with me and been reading any of my stuff on here!! Love you!!


Ohh I've been looking for "the honey-bees" for a while, I understand why i couldn't now lol. I remember when i first read it I could relate to the characters so much. Anyways, since i've finally found you account i'll go read your newer stories now  hope you are doing well!


@MiniSnowie Haha, yes, there's a post where I explain it. Thank you for the well wishes! I hope you enjoy anything else of mine you may read. Best wishes! :)