
Tiba-tiba tulis flash fiction malam ni, genre quite dark story  tak tahu nak upload kat wattpad tak, nanti saya fikirkan. Now mostly might upload kat fb sahaja : Naurah Hazwany
          	Mungkin esok saya akan upload... Raw ver or edit ver idk  


Tiba-tiba tulis flash fiction malam ni, genre quite dark story  tak tahu nak upload kat wattpad tak, nanti saya fikirkan. Now mostly might upload kat fb sahaja : Naurah Hazwany
          Mungkin esok saya akan upload... Raw ver or edit ver idk  


Hi semua! Esok (11.1.2021), 1st EBOOK NH akan direleased secara official (no more pre-order) dengan harga RM5 / USD 1.24 ~ untuk 4 cerpen 4 genre #KompilasiCerpenPelangiYangTidakTergapai melalui link 
          Sebabnya ebook ni akan dijual di beberapa platform, utk asia tenggara especially ofc Malaysian, suggest buy through Rakuten Kobo or pengguna IP di Apple Books. 
          TQ~ stay tuned ><


Hi everyone, I'm here to announce that any updates especially Novel Fake Jerk, Poetry : Voyage of Reminiscence, and Cerpen SEKSA [in malay language) gonna postponed to next months.
          The reason is I need to focus with my job and another thing is I'm gonna join writing contest, the deadline is 10 Ogos. If my story is good enough, it will publish in book. So goodluck to me!
          And actually I want to join another writing contest and the deadline is September but only if I really got idea.
          The deadline for 1st contest is 5 weeks from now! I have stopped writing for contest long ago, now I'm going to start again. Wish me the best .
          Thank you