
Should I look into entering the Wattys this time around?


@flamesword01 -  I'm debating that, myself. On the one hand, I like the way it looks like I can check multiple boxes for all the various ways underrepresented populations get representation. Also, it tickles me pink to know that something as fundamentally and extremely unmarketable as _Ancilla_ will be read by at least one judge, and that judge will probably find my work confusing as hell. On the other hand, I'm worried about my contest submission being used to train AI to write Wattpad "originals." AI screws us all over, even though it can sometimes be very helpful by providing writing prompts, giving us spelling and grammar checks, etc.
          	  Blast it, why can't Wattpad let us GRAMMAR EDIT our comments?


Should I look into entering the Wattys this time around?


@flamesword01 -  I'm debating that, myself. On the one hand, I like the way it looks like I can check multiple boxes for all the various ways underrepresented populations get representation. Also, it tickles me pink to know that something as fundamentally and extremely unmarketable as _Ancilla_ will be read by at least one judge, and that judge will probably find my work confusing as hell. On the other hand, I'm worried about my contest submission being used to train AI to write Wattpad "originals." AI screws us all over, even though it can sometimes be very helpful by providing writing prompts, giving us spelling and grammar checks, etc.
            Blast it, why can't Wattpad let us GRAMMAR EDIT our comments?


If you're seeing this, I need your opinion! 
          Since I disappeared from Wattpad several months ago, I have written an entire mystery/thriller novel, and am almost 10 chapters into yet another fantasy/adventure book that will begin a 5-part series if all goes according to plan. One of the most enjoyable parts for me as a writer is getting to share adventures with readers and indulge that excitement together. 
          That said, the Wattpad I was posting to years ago may not be the Wattpad I'm considering posting to again now. This could be an improvement, or it could mean screaming into the void. I just don't know. 
          So please, weigh in! What is the state of the platform as it currently stands, in your opinion? Has there been a migration to another site that I'm unaware of? Maybe things haven't changed much at all on the user-to-user front. I have no plans of leaving, but I'm seeking insight into the status of Wattpad as a hub for sharing and enjoying stories. 
          Looking forward to your thoughts!


@flamesword01 Yes I'd agree, and also, what happened to me and I think happens to other people, is maybe they don't age out but they grow out.  I simply got too busy to be on Wattpad like I used to be, and I branched out to the Young Writer's Workshop, Goodreads, and my own website.  I think that happens for a lot of people, real life starts happening and then they don't have the time for Wattpad like they used to.
            Yes we do ;)


@flamesword01 - I created an account in 2018 to read  (and sneer at) Anna Todd's AFTER series, which started out as an absurd and horribly written One Direction/Harry Styles x 50 Shades fanfic; once that mission was accomplished, I walked away, and did not return until this January. 
            I became active here because I had decided to put a free edition of my self-published novel online for anyone who couldn't afford to buy it. I care passionately about the human right to access reading material.
            I hadn't expected to get sucked into Wattpad culture, but here I am. 
            It's very close-knit. I love the way Wattpadians feel like family. I've never seen anything like it anywhere else. Yes, there's also a ridiculous amount of drama that goes along with the feeling of closeness and rapport, because there are a lot of teenagers, a lot of artistic egos, and a lot of teenagers with artistic egos, but the camaraderie has so far outweighed the melodrama and silliness.
            I don't like the way Wattpad as a whole is headed, though. I've heard a lot about what Wattpad used to be like before Naver bought the platform. We seem to be heading toward more monetization, more commercialization, more homogeneity, more teen content, and more bot involvement - algorithms that track our interests more closely than ever, censor-bots that rely on faulty javascript to enforce community guidelines (that's where the shadowbans came from), and bots that will write "vertical content" and "original" serials that teens and young adults with allowance money to burn can buy. I do not like that. I do not like that at all.


@BamBam707  Yeah, my theory is partially that Wattpad caters a little too heavily to a certain demographic, so users age out over time. There may be new users who would love our work, but it might take work to find them again. If my theory is true, then the strategy here isn't to find your audience and simply cater to them; you've gotta keep spending time putting out feelers, lol. 
            Ooh, I'll have to check that out, thanks for the tip! The good thing is even if conditions aren't like they used to be, we still have each other. :)


Guess who's back? 
          If you guessed me, I applaud you for your foresight, but I unfortunately can't reward you because I'm temporarily unemployed and hard as I've tried, money doesn't grow on trees. Believe me, I've tried everything in the book. 
          That said, I should have time to make something of a comeback, and I see some stuff has changed around here. Guess they took away private messaging for some reason, some content guidelines got updated (no more teenage sex scenes in my books, you all know how prevalent those are in my work--i.e. not at all), and I'm sure I've missed some things beyond that. More importantly, I've missed all of you! Money is nice, but making it takes a lot of time. 
          So yeah, I'm back, and I'd love to catch up with you all. Gonna get a feel for the pulse of the platform as it currently stands before I commit to my next step here, but if we can drum up some interest in a new literary adventure together, I might have something to post. ;)
          And also, given private messaging is now gone, my Discord is probably the best way to get ahold of me on a more one-on-one basis. I'm flamesword01 on there as well; here's a link to a Wattpad community server I'd like to revive, you should see me there soon as well: https://discord.gg/JeAAhEwYjG
          Again, hope ya'll have been well! Long message, I know, but if you're reading this, leave a comment and let's reconnect! Looking forward to catching back up with old friends on here and soon making some more. Let's start a Wattpad revival!


@flamesword01 yeah I gotta get back to you over there XD Sounds like July will be fUn


@amayzed  Lol, life's about to get super interesting, gonna get you caught up on Discord soon. July especially is about to get wild. XD


@leiana52  All good, I learned a lot at the job, saved plenty money, and was kinda due for a change of pace anyway. Good to have time to focus on my creative pursuits for a minute. Definitely crazy times though, how've you been holding up?


Hi, how are you? Wattpad will get rid of its DM system and deleting all messages (might be gone by the time you see this?), so I'm messaging you here :)


@TheTigerWriter  I believe we're friends on Discord! That's probably the best place to replace private messaging on here; still need to revive my writing account on Instagram, lol. Looking forward to hearing what you've got going on! <3


@flamesword01 I could message you on IG, or do you have discord? There's so much to talk about :D


@TheTigerWriter  Hey Enna! I'm super duper late to see this, but I've been doing good! Was bogged down by work and life, but now I'm unemployed for the moment and making the best of it. Looking to make a comeback of sorts, finally have time to figure out the final stages of publishing my debut novel, so don't really have any excuses. Should be fun to have my head fully in the creative space for a little while! 
            How about you? It's been a minute and I really disappeared, so I'm sure a lot has changed, hope you've been well. <3


I haven't been very active here lately, but I suppose there's only one way to change that. How have you all been, what's new, and what have I missed?


@TheGazillionthWriter  *high fives back*  Thanks! It's a lot of responsibility, but the money's nice, and so is being able to use the position to help others grow. Certainly rewarding. 
            I feel that! Feels like individual days are going by slowly, but the fact it's already August is a shocker for sure. Good to hear you're making that step (again) toward independence, best of luck there!


@flamesword01 That sounds great! a boss? nice! *high five* 
            Me, I’m doing ok. It’s been a slow yet fast summer. I am finally learning to drive though! (well again, since I technically tried as a teen lol)


@TheGazillionthWriter  Haha, you and me both; been busy being a boss and a musician irl, so Wattpad's largely fallen by the wayside. Still, I'm doing great! Staying busy and making money, basically. How about you?


It's been over two months since I made an announcement here, but if anyone's looking for a great read, consider taking a look at "The Right to Die" by @avadel !
          In 30 thrilling chapters, you'll get to follow the journey of a young revolutionary, thief, and hacker swept into a world of upper-class infighting and political maneuvering. Torn from his street-smart allies, can he leverage this new situation to his advantage, bring the innocent up and the powerful down? I know the answer to that, having just finished reading, but you'll need to find out for yourself. ;)


@avadel  My pleasure! I disappeared for a minute there, but I'm hoping to make a bit of a comeback soon, lots of big life changes going on that I'm navigating. Hope you've been good! <3


@flamesword01 I came to check out and see if you were still around, and I found this O. O
            I totally forgot you wrote this. Thank you so much! <333


I kept forgetting to come on and post these, but at last, we have a massive moment on our hands. With these two chapters I posted this morning, my 9 book series "The Reformation Wars" is complete! 
          It's been such a long journey, it feels bittersweet to call it over, but that's where we are, and I'm blessed to be able to make this announcement now. If you've been holding off on reading the series until completion, well, now here's your chance. 
          Just wanna thank everyone who has supported this venture, all who have read, commented, and shared the word, I appreciate all of you. It's been awesome testing the limits of my perseverance with this series, and I hope to be back with even more new stories in the near future. 
          Thanks again, everyone, and hope you're all having a great weekend!


@flamesword01 Congrats!  I am going to finish this series one day ;)


@flamesword01 Awww! Congratulations, Falcon!


A castle under siege. A kingdom at war. A court of backstabbing ladies, and a troubled prince who must navigate it all. 
          These are just a few of the things you'll find in the (web) pages of @avadel 's book, "Of Whispers and Daggers". Took me way too long to read it personally, but this story was worth every second, and I can't recommend it enough. If you're craving a tale where magic, political intrigue, romantic hijinks, and gripping battle scenes converge, this is a great place to get your fix. You can thank me later. ;)


@flamesword01 Awww! Thank you so much, Falcon. We're so glad you enjoyed it, and it was a blast getting to read all your comments.


Vegans, I feel bad for you.
          Not because meat is delicious and you're missing out (which you are), but mainly because these food companies are really out here making ya'll look crazy for no reason. 
          On my trip through the grocery today, my eyes were cursed to behold a product that nobody should be eating--beefless beef stew. Bruh. How're you gonna make a product that excludes the main ingredient that draws people to that dish in the first place? Nobody would've had a problem if you just decided to make a savory vegan stew; probably would have still been delicious, but again, these companies really be doing the most to make vegans look absolutely insane out of nowhere. 
          I'll just mention in passing that I saw a meatless meat lover's pizza (because what meat lover wouldn't jump at an opportunity to remove the thing they love most on their pizza?), because the one next to it was even more ridiculous. A vegan cheeseburger pizza.
          First off, a cheeseburger pizza sounds kinda nasty to begin with, doesn't it? Pickles on pizza? C'mon now. But what clowns sat in the product development room at that food company and decided, "you know what people really want to eat? A cheeseburger-themed pizza that includes neither a burger nor cheese!" Fire that entire team right now and start from scratch, because ya'll clearly don't know how to make decent meals that just happen not to include meat. 
          There's not even anything weird about choosing to eat a vegan diet; it shouldn't be that hard to whip up some culinary goodness that doesn't involve slaughtering a living creature to create it. But these companies seem to be missing the mark over and over again, and I'm here to call them out for it. 
          Rant over, thanks for reading, lol.


@flamesword01 || Oh, for sure. Nothing wrong with just making something that doesn't contain meat and/or animal products from the start, but haha yeah, that's too basic a solution for some. Very true, it does make for some entertaining finds haha


@-Werewolf14-  Lol, right? Nothing wrong with simply not including meat, but I guess that's too basic a solution. At least the strange marketing makes for some entertaining finds in the grocery, lol :P


@flamesword01 || I'm not vegan, but I agree. I mean, there are probably some out there who would enjoy a beef stew that is vegan, since I think there's people making meat that tastes like meat but has no meat in it (although I do completely agree that's just a strange concept). But I think there's also plenty of room for just creating delicious meals that just so happen to be vegan and from the start do not include any 'vegan version' of a meat/animal product-containing meal
            I think it's some odd marketing, since I think most people who want a beef stew will go for the beef stew that contains beef cuz that's what they want. But perhaps there's someone out there who would buy the beef-less beef stew. I agree it's a very odd concept though
            I think just making vegan dishes that are a delicious mixture of foods that just so happen to be vegan is a better course of action, but I'm not a product developer so I can't comment on their possible logic


Scientifically, what even is salad?
          An assortment of vegetables drizzled with dressing is what I was introduced to as salad, and that makes sense in my head. Swap out lettuce for spinach and kale, still makes sense. Even add cheese and/or meat if you'd like, all good. But some of ya'll really out here chilling pasta in the fridge overnight, bringing it to the potluck, and calling it salad. 
          If that's salad, don't judge me when I go for my fourth bowl of spaghetti. I don't wanna hear it, Susan; I'm only looking out for my health.


@leiana52  Why not? That sounds like a perfect way to serve up three days' worth of your recommended sugar intake in the most efficient package possible :P


@flamesword01 such logic takes a little bit of interesting


@flamesword01 lol thought you were serious. I do too!!! Oh! Can’t forget chicken or tuna salad or egg salad. Beginning to think where I live they love salads. XD and of course your classic salad 