
Thx a lot 


Hello there am sorry about your health and pls dnt give up any your health. People will say all sort words cos they pity you but my dear show them you're strong and u can do it. I know how it's feels since am like u but believe dnt delete your work those of us who love you will keep on waiting until u are better. Stay strong and health and've a speedy recovery. 


I have upload a new chapter so please do read, support and left your comment and I have receive comment saying I have not been updating and I would like to apologize regarding that matter. 
           I know I should not make and excuse but when I start this story its nearing my final exam and i have been neglecting it since then and now i have finally in degree and I have lot of assignment going on and also quiz I hope u guys understand for the late update.
          But please please please do support this story and please please comment so that I have a reason not to give up on this story love u all. 
          Thank u so much .