
Hello loves, it me! Southern Pansy or Southern Pansy666, the author of Bad Omens. I managed to get back into this old account and mark Bad Omens Book 4 as complete. Now I don't know if or when I will be able to restore my original account which contains books 1 and 2 so I can officially mark them as complete, but this is a start. But know that they are complete and I wrote them when I had no idea how to use this platform. So I will be returning to me current account Eden6000 and I'll catch you all on the flip side once A New Arrival Act 3 is complete and the development of Strange Omens Volume 3 is complete! Take care now, bye bye then!


Hello loves, it me! Southern Pansy or Southern Pansy666, the author of Bad Omens. I managed to get back into this old account and mark Bad Omens Book 4 as complete. Now I don't know if or when I will be able to restore my original account which contains books 1 and 2 so I can officially mark them as complete, but this is a start. But know that they are complete and I wrote them when I had no idea how to use this platform. So I will be returning to me current account Eden6000 and I'll catch you all on the flip side once A New Arrival Act 3 is complete and the development of Strange Omens Volume 3 is complete! Take care now, bye bye then!


Hello, loves,  Southern Pansy here something is very wrong. I can't access my account. Something is very wrong. I don't know what's going on.  I can't sign in, the login page won't accept my password, so i have no choice but to message via my old account, at least i think that's where i am. All of my stories seem okay, especially bad omens, both the original version and the reupload so that is good news. But i just don't know what to do.
          I need to get back onto this account....I'll keep trying Loves, I hoped i didn't get hacked....


Hello loves, just letting you know that i'm suffering a little writers block so i'm taking a little Bad Omens 2.0 break, so i'm writing a little something else. will upload as soon as i'm able!
          to the world!


Hello Loves, I am so happy that Bad Omens has just reached 800 read! WAHOO! I am so happy that so many people are enjoying it! 
          Now i just wanted to let you all know that i uploaded a Novella titled Bad Omens: Trauma. A short little novel that provides context to the sequel novel of Bad Omens that I am currently writing, just reached Chapter 14 btw!  BO Trauma is about The Fell Family and Archangel Gabriel coping with PTSD post Armageddon. I sadly couldn't fit in in Bad Omens and I can't fit it in Bad Omen 2.0 either. Now, i did make these original short stories, but i polished them up a tad and combined them into a novella. They felt like they belonged together because it's quite apparent that Gabriel is  a part of the Fell family now....even though Crowley doesn't want to admit it....
          To the world!


Okay Loves, I know you've noticed that i've re uploaded a copy of Bad Omens. It's because i forgot to add the holiest of tags, #ineffablehusbands. I didn't realize this until recently. so while i was editing Bad Omens, i went ahead and made a copy and added the ineffablehusbands tag so for those who are just interested in Ineffable husband stuff, Bad Omens will pop up, because Bad omens is full with ineffable husband stuff and i don't wanna leave any GO demographics out! But the regular version will remain up! They are exactly the same! So it doesn't matter which version you read! That's why they have the exact same covers. When the sequel comes out, i will be sure to include the ineffablehusbands tag so this won't happen again! I'm such a Pansy!


Hello Loves! Change of plans, I have been researching certain subjects for Bad Omens 2.0. I have halted writing my Doctor Who sequel because i keep getting stuck/sidetracked with writing other things. I will get it done eventually. I wanted to let you know that I am considering including Sargent Shadwell into the main cast, he is one of my favorite characters and it kills me that i couldn't fit him in Bad Omens 1. Do any of you think i should add him in? I also have been editing Bad Omens to try to polish it up a tad. It is my baby and i want my baby to look nice!
          To the world!


Hello loves, before i get things up and running on Bad Omens 2.0, i am trying to finish my Doctor Who sequel so then i will have a clean plate and sole focus on just one main story! and yes, when i am suffering from writers block i will write stuff on the spot to keep the juices flowing. So, bear with me, as i write my Doctor who sequel, i have been researching certain things for Bad Omens 2.0, and i even picked an Offical title! here we go!


Hello Loves, be sure to check out my short story, Scars and Archangel Overprotective. Little prequels/ a conclusion to my Family Trauma series to Bad Omens 2.0 (Yes, it will eventually have it's own unique title...if i can think of one!)


Hello Loves,  i hope you all are enjoying Bad Omens! I'm really proud of it and i'm so happy that it's gotten so many reads. Now, I have already uploaded Road to Recovery and Family Trauma. Those novellas contain deleted chapters that i didn't think would fit in Bad Omens. So i hope you enjoy those. I am also planning to polish up the deleted chapters that take place during Eden's coma. It will be a 3 to 6 part short story, at least that is the current plan. One last thing, I am also planning to not only try my own fiction but to also write a sequel to Bad Omens! Yes, my Doctor Who sequel is still in devolopment, of course. But my goal for Bad Omens 2.0 is to use a plotline I sadly had to abandon early on writing Bad Omens. I plan to utilize this deleted plotline as Archangel Gabriel and Eden take the next step in they're relationship, under the watchful eye of the Ineffable husbands of course! And yes, more short stories will be coming along as well. Be prepared my Loves. We're in for a wild ride!