
we love when we ignore the story we're supposed to be drafting and instead make a new story all together based off a fanfic we started to write... then switched to a total OC based story. Writer's ambition am I right >.>'


we love when we ignore the story we're supposed to be drafting and instead make a new story all together based off a fanfic we started to write... then switched to a total OC based story. Writer's ambition am I right >.>'


If i can get through all 30 chapters of Beginning of Everything and change the stuff that needs to be changed, I would. 
          Alas, sleep calls my name so I guess a huge Author's Note on each chapter until I get all of it done.


Merry Christmas and I apologize for disappearing. If you read any of my announcements, then you knew my dilemma, but if not... my old laptop ended up giving up on me. Since I'm back, I thought I'd give a few updates and explain how this whole Wattpad thing is gonna work until May 24, which is graduation day for me.
          I do plan on continuing the Beginning of Everything, especially since it's plot needs to be slightly rewritten and some of my scenes need more detail. I'm not throwing Andy and Ashley to the side just yet, and CC and Jinxx (maybe even Jake ;D)) will get their happy endings, but I also have a few new ideas in mind. Especially since I'm into new little fandoms...
           I plan on bringing a new Inuyasha idea to light, maybe some Black Butler, probably a little Soul Eater. I'm gonna write it all down on my phone, new laptop, and biography so I can remember to do this all. I am also bringing my Reddie oneshots out of the dark and back into the IT fandom light. I plan on returning with a fire in my heart and worlds in my head, but there is also, one more thing - school. It's my senior year and I graduate in May, only five months away now, meaning a lot of things IRL are gonna be kicking off full throttle. I have prom, graduation, moving out, finding a college to go to, finding a place to live, finding my sanity and peace of mind in there somewhere. 
          I'll be returning. I plan one uploading the beginning chapters to a few new stories, maybe a quick update of this one, and loading a new Reddie fanfic on top of it... but forgive me if updates take longer to do. I'm trying to work it all in because I absolutely love writing and I absolutely adore fanfiction. I may even attempt uploading an OC storyline to see how it goes, but I'll think on it. 
          Just give me some time, alright? I love you guys and I love the Wattpad community. I adore it all <3 thanks for reading if you did. 
          - A.E