
Hello! :D It's been a while since I've posted, I always read every comment that people put on my stories. Although I am not making a return to writing, I just wanted to stop by and say hi and wish you all an amazing day, night, morning, afternoon, whatever - wherever you may be in the world! I love seeing all the support, it means a lot. When I finished my GCSE's in May, I was wandering if I should find my English stories I had to write for part of my grade, if I can find them I might still post them as they are stories that I feel pretty happy with. They're more like chapters out of a bigger book but each of them are different. They're obviously not based on any cc (content creators) or x reader because I don't think my teacher would have appreciated that much, but they were still fun to write. Like I said, I wish you all a fantastic time, and thank you all for the continuation of support on my books :)


Okay, I just went through over 60 documents to find the stories and essays, but I just uploaded them all so, what I'm saying is.. THE BOOK IS OUT!!!


Hello! :D It's been a while since I've posted, I always read every comment that people put on my stories. Although I am not making a return to writing, I just wanted to stop by and say hi and wish you all an amazing day, night, morning, afternoon, whatever - wherever you may be in the world! I love seeing all the support, it means a lot. When I finished my GCSE's in May, I was wandering if I should find my English stories I had to write for part of my grade, if I can find them I might still post them as they are stories that I feel pretty happy with. They're more like chapters out of a bigger book but each of them are different. They're obviously not based on any cc (content creators) or x reader because I don't think my teacher would have appreciated that much, but they were still fun to write. Like I said, I wish you all a fantastic time, and thank you all for the continuation of support on my books :)


Okay, I just went through over 60 documents to find the stories and essays, but I just uploaded them all so, what I'm saying is.. THE BOOK IS OUT!!!


Hi all, so updates to my stories will be very slow for the upcoming weeks. I know I haven’t written much lately anyway but I just thought I’d let you know that the chances of another chapter in the next two weeks is unlikely. I’ve got my exams coming up so I should be revising. I say should but I might not and try my hardest to avoid it, meaning there might be a chance of an update but don’t count on it. 
          Sorry for being so bad updating things but please bare with me, love you all xx


If anyone has any sidemen books they recommend please hmu. I’m in a mood for a cry so if there’s any of them even better x


@idk_2005 check out my reading list : )


Kind of thinking about making a book about 2020. Like a person from the future has a chance to live through 2020. I know it’s like the tiktoks where it’s like a school trip but I think it will be cool to write a story about it


I’ll probably start doing notes and things about it somewhere and then write it next hear


I don’t know how long this is going to last but I just want to say that I’m going to have to stop writing for a bit. If I ever feel motivated to write I will. But right now for me I need to take some time because I’m not myself, I’m not getting to sleep, I’m crying at the stupidest things (I cried at the thought of rain today) I’m just not in a good place. I don’t want to do this as I’m so close to the end of one of my books but I have to. As I said if I feel like writing I will do don’t think I’m quitting because I’m not, I’m just talking my time. Thank you all for the support it means a lot. But I just need to take some time for me. This whole lock down thing is really taking its toll on me, I haven’t been able to see my friends or family for 2 months and that’s what’s hitting hard right now. But also school isn’t going great but I’m trying, I really am. So please stick around, I’ll be back soon xx


@sims_n_sdmn thank you so much, I’ll still be replying to people but just writing will be slowed xx


@idk_2005 i don't care(that sounded mean that's not how i mean it), i'll live, you do what you need to do