
i’ve been invited to a big girl college party. will i be living out my fanfic dreams if i go or will i just come home smelling of alcohol and desperation? 


Hey sweetie, I just wanna tell you that I hope you're doing semi okay.. I can't imagine what you are going through..
          Just take your time with your beautiful updates and hope your mental health is (even if it's only a little) getting better! Take care of yourself, my love ❤️. 
          Remember, you are your own priority ❤️❤️


hey guys! i just spent eight weeks in the hospital bc im a fanfic writer ofc i have bad luck  but im calling all people who want to help me finish up my current published fics + some coauthors for a few ideas i have!! if you’re interested pls respond here or dm me and i’ll give you my socials (i promise i’ll respond this time if youve messaged me before im so sorry my phone is like eight years old and cranky ) but im excited to meet you guys!
          spidey ❤️️


@itsy_bitsy_spidey no problem  if you ever want to talk...


@pigletsloth yes im ok!!! thank you for asking :)


hey guys! sorry for the long hiatus, life has been a wreck lol. but im asking for your help! pls comment below or message me which of my books you want to see updated the most, or even give me a request for something new! i’ll give you full credit for any new ideas : ) thank you all for your continued support! 
          love, spidey ❤️️


@itsy_bitsy_spider. I might be late but A Snake, A Bird, and A Fawn. Also I can't remember if these books, (Soul of a Flower, Mate of the Marauders, and Cedric's Little Mate), are yours. If so those too please. 


@itsy_bitsy_spidey A Snake, A Bird and A Fawn please 