
Hello.... Anyone there? I'm bored!
          	Always feel free to message me:) 
          	I don't care what it's about, but I like meeting new people:)


Hi Jettadrew,
          Thanks so much for adding FULL TWIST to your reading list! I wrote a lot of it poolside while reminiscing about my "glory days" (definitely small scale, but momentous all the same). I hope that shows. Enjoy and happy summer. :)


Please go read the first chapter to framed... It's called college things!!!! No one has read it yet!!! And hopefully people see this... I hit notify... Did it work? I don't know... I kinda feel like a middle aged mom trying to figure out technology... Do you ever feel like that? No? Just me? Okay. But I mean I also sometimes feel like an idiot, and that's not true... Right? Eh, probably true because I just tried to write 'because' and it turned to 'beachside'... Why would I need to write 'beachside'?!?!?!? Stupid technology
          There it is again!!!!!! I'm literally a middle aged mom trapped in a thirteen year old's body
          Well this has gone very far off topic...
          Just go read it!!!
          Peace, love, rubber glove