
Sweet Like Honey will not be uploaded this week as I recover from a cold. I’m sorry to disappoint but having a cold and being pregnant SUCKS because I’m not allowed any drugs. So I’m just riding out the snot wave. Uploads will resume their normal schedule next week!


@jfrussell the snot wave... lol... I do hope it doesn’t last too long!


Sweet Like Honey will not be uploaded this week as I recover from a cold. I’m sorry to disappoint but having a cold and being pregnant SUCKS because I’m not allowed any drugs. So I’m just riding out the snot wave. Uploads will resume their normal schedule next week!


@jfrussell the snot wave... lol... I do hope it doesn’t last too long!


          My new small town romance, Sweet Like Honey, starts uploading 25th of September!


Hello everyone!
          Here I am again, writing you all a message about me being AWOL. This time though it wasn’t due to lack of time or laziness, I have a really good reason! A few months ago I found out I was pregnant! And while it was such an exciting time it was also a brutal three months for me with the worst sickness I’ve ever experienced.
          I’m almost five months pregnant now though and I’ve been back behind my desk which has felt AMAZING. A lot of you are wondering when I’ll be resuming uploads of Forever Yours and I think I finally have a solid timeline. I’ve recently finished edits for my small town romance, Sweet Like Honey. I’m someone who can work only one story at a time, dedicating myself entirely to it. So with this being ready for Wattpad uploads, I’ll now be going back to The Forever Series.
          I love Roxy and Isaac’s story, but I feel like I just need to put a little more “oomph” into it for a stronger storyline and to make the stakes higher. I’ve also designed some newspaper clipping graphics to add to the story aesthetic which I’ve found really fun! So once I get details of Forever Mine polished for Forever Yours to make sense, the uploads will begin! Usually I don’t upload until I’ve edited but you guys have been so patient with me I’ll be throwing the chapters up as soon as they’re written.
          I’m so grateful for you guys sticking with me for this long. Lots of love xx
          - J


@jfrussell Congrats, so glad to hear your doing well <33


180,000 READS!
          Holy smokes! Forever Mine hit 180,000 reads!?
          I’ve been MIA from Wattpad, and writing, so the fact that people are still enjoying it while I’m a little Casper floating around is so heartwarming. 
          As always, thank you from all of my heart .


@MimisAngel9 First of all, thank you so much for your support! :)
            Yes. I’m hoping, hoping, hoping I’ll be uploading some chapters by the end of the year. I’m currently pregnant and I had a brutal first few months so I couldn’t even sit at my desk during this time. Now I’m out of the worst of it though, I’m just about to finish my small town romance edits and then I’ll be coming back to The Forever Series


@jfrussell  any idea as to when you will update forever yours....


Are you going to finish Forever Yours?


@Pebbiiej Aw no problem! I appreciate my followers so much so I always work hard to make an effort in chatting with them :) I’m glad you’re so excited! I’ve actually been working on some cool features so Forever Mine will be going under a good edit to match up with Forever Yours :)


Thank You for answering me back so quickly. I can't wait to read it. I loved Forever Mine and can't wait to read Forever Yours


@Pebbiiej As Thirsty Merc sang, someday someday…
            In all seriousness, yes. When? I’m really not sure. When I started The Forever Series I was unemployed living in the suburbs. I now work close to full time and live on a farm with lots of animals and maintenance so time is very limited to write. It’s killing me. But I have the outlay in my head, I just need to get it on paper 


Hello, fellow Wattpadians! I’m still here! I’m just…struggling. I’ve been giving Wattpad bit of a wide berth this past week. Mainly due to a certain well known author just picking the constructive comments I’ve made on her story and being an immature idiot… On the same day I was also getting some negative comments on Forever Mine. Which is fine! But when people just blast the characters and not have any critique feedback…it just gets silly. If I made the characters in my books perfect, so they don’t make mistakes, I wouldn’t have much of a plot! It’s called character arcs! Wattpad used to be such a great community but lately I feel like it’s just full of immature idiots who have nothing better to do than post negative and mean comments on stories. Not just mine, but when I’m reading other stories some of the comments are just so unnecessary and cruel. When commenting on someone’s story, whether here or in a Goodreads review (which some of them are just ridiculous), you need to remember that these are works of someone’s heart and soul. So I’m still hovering in the shadows, too scared to make a move because pitchforks and torches will come after me. I’m just feeling like the 21st birthday balloon which has lost its helium, all shrivelled and gross, but doesn’t get thrown out because of the good memories.
          Rant over.


@jfrussell do what’s best for you and remember that these are a bunch of people behind a screen, some most likely don’t have the balls to bring the same energy to the table irl. Your story at the end of the day, and it’s not like you forced them to read it, they chose to. And yeah, I don’t get why people take feedback negatively if there’s people who are wanting to improve their work?? And have said they’d want constructive criticism ? Idk and it’s also someone’s opinion doesn’t mean everyone’s the same. Others have specific taste that may not meet someone else’s idea of taste and that’s completely okay too.


@jfrussell haters are going to hate
            Best revenge is go on and do what you do
            They just mad because they can't do what you do
            I always say uf you aint paying my bills your opinion don't matter
            In the end it's you that holds you head up high and reach for the stars and keep reaching


@kimrich12 Thank you for your support. I usually do ignore them but sometimes it’s a kick in the guts 