
why do people go and buy after in the stores when you can just read it here for free 


the wdw drama 


@jman2113 I’m not siding with anyone. I’m just saying I wouldn’t choose sides yet if you don’t know both sides of the story. I respect ur opinion, but you don’t know what could’ve been lies. As of rn ur only believing what you’ve been told. But do what u want. Have a good day  


@MaeleyJo you can’t justify bad behavior because they were going through something else. again i believe her because i believe victims when they come out against abusive people. this is exactly the point she made just because he’s a famous man people especially his fans are siding with him


@jman2113 that’s the thing u don’t know the truth. You don’t know what really went on, only what you’ve been told. I’m not saying he didn’t do it, but I’m not saying he did. Like I said you don’t know what was lies,, or what could’ve been exaggerated. Jack can’t defend himself cause the boys are going through a lawsuit. The boys have been abused, you don’t know what they were forced to do. Like I said countless of times, We.Don’t. Know. The. Whole. Story. Which is why I’m not choosing sides yet 


i graduated yesterday 


@juliaman129 this is late but... congrats!! <33 :)


@ juliaman129  congrats!!!