
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. "
          	- Steve Jobs said these word in 2005 at a graduation speech at Stanford as he was staring down cancer in his own life.     Life is a fickle and fragile thing as I have learned in my years and tried to share in my work, and as you all have equally  shared in response to it.    I will offline till tomorrow as today is day of celebration of beginnings and new horizons.    
          	Thank you again for taking part and sharing in my story,  and may you also find that courage in living your own.   -  Jay


"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. "
          - Steve Jobs said these word in 2005 at a graduation speech at Stanford as he was staring down cancer in his own life.     Life is a fickle and fragile thing as I have learned in my years and tried to share in my work, and as you all have equally  shared in response to it.    I will offline till tomorrow as today is day of celebration of beginnings and new horizons.    
          Thank you again for taking part and sharing in my story,  and may you also find that courage in living your own.   -  Jay


Thank you for following me! 
          Hopefully we can continue to support each other and become friends with Time.
           Feel free to reach out anytime for a chat.
           See you around!


@TheInkspired  you are welcome,  look forward to checking out your works.  I hope you enjoy The Book of Leah as well.


Chapter 22 is Up and I have finally decided on the Chapter Title -  Heart and Soul in homage to Tom Hanks and the late great Robert Loggia in the movie "Big"   I hope you enjoy the next chapter of Leah, Jake, and  Bonnie that  summer in 1992 .  
           To my many new followers, thank for your joining, and I hope you enjoy the story.  I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments.  :)  


Thank you for following me! 
          Hopefully we can continue to support each other and become friends with Time.
           Feel free to reach out anytime for a chat.
           See you around!


@TheInkspired   yes , look forward to it.  I try to really make an effort to read the works of those who follow me,  (it takes time, but I have pattern i try to keep lol )


"And to make an end is to make a beginning. And know the place for the first time"   -T.S. Elliot     
          As some of you this month head out into new frontiers of your life, high school, college, independence, and more, I hope you can take a fresh look at life and know this place you are right now for the first time.   
          Have a great holiday weekend and congratulations to all those graduating into their next stage of life with new beginnings.


Chapter 22 is Live.  Jake is finally at the cottage and Leah opens up about her mom for the first time.  If you have lost a loved one, this chapter may be difficult, but I also hope it is healing, as Leah works through her grief, as we all do, as we we remember, for that is  the one thing , our memories, we can always hold within our hearts forever.    Have a blessed night -  Jay