
writing new EJ chapter soon maybe :3 might go a little off script, might change the original plot a little, who knows? stay tuned.


@justaperson2 Srry 4 the late rply, I love anythng I can read tho LOL, esp if I can get in2 new fndms n you are a good wrter so


@justaperson2 Honestly i thrive mostly off fanfiction but anything else you write id be wiling to check out! :D


@MapleMilky Im glad youre enjoying it! I’ve considered venturing outside of creepypasta after I finish with the EJ book, Id love to hear if theres anything else youd be interested in seeing! Or would you be looking for a normal book rather than fanfiction?


writing new EJ chapter soon maybe :3 might go a little off script, might change the original plot a little, who knows? stay tuned.


@justaperson2 Srry 4 the late rply, I love anythng I can read tho LOL, esp if I can get in2 new fndms n you are a good wrter so


@justaperson2 Honestly i thrive mostly off fanfiction but anything else you write id be wiling to check out! :D


@MapleMilky Im glad youre enjoying it! I’ve considered venturing outside of creepypasta after I finish with the EJ book, Id love to hear if theres anything else youd be interested in seeing! Or would you be looking for a normal book rather than fanfiction?


I really loved your fics when I was younger. It was a long time ago, and I haven't read the new chapters (yet, maybe?) but seeing each and every new update is like a slice of nostalgia. It makes me inexplicably happy, even if I'm not in my creepypasta phase anymore. You are amazing. And I hope the best for you.


Even though Ive grown out of the phase, I think theres just this strong part of me that wants to finish what younger me started. Creepypasta meant, and still means a lot to me and I know it means a lot to all of my readers as well. I promised I would never leave a book unfinished even if it took me forever to finish it and I want to keep that promise. Thank you for staying with me all this time and believing in me. <3


I’d just like to leave a message here. (previously went by ember_in_lonelyland if anyone happens to remember)
          As goofy as this may seem, your stories were an extremely important part of my life. As a lonely autistic queer 12 year old, your stories were my main escapism. Technically they also contributed to me realizing I was a trans man but that’s a long story lol. Anyways, I’ve been getting nostalgic, and seeing you active on this account made me sentimental. I just wanted to thank you for the impact you’ve had on my life, and I wish for nothing but the best things for you. 
          And to any lonely autistic queer 12 year olds who might be reading this: It’s going to be okay, I promise. I love you 
          (also wow im applying to colleges right now, anyone feel old yet?)


@gonechamp agreed, agreed! they really shaped my 11-ish year old mind at the time lmao, sparked my interest in writing too. good luck in college, by the way!


new work posted : ) first two chapters are now available


@justaperson2 i have a really weird question... i wanna have a private chat with you if that is ok. like, direst mssg's.


Hey there person. I’ve been writing a while on my short stories book and I’m not getting that many views on it. What can I do to increase that?


Hi I’m alive. Who wants the first chapter of a new story that I suddenly received the motivation to write? I know you all have questions about where I’ve been and if I’ll finish Intrigued or not and I will answer those questions eventually just tell me if you all are interested in supporting the newest result of my insomnia : )


Very relatable, disappearing and coming back. I'm excited for whatever you make! 


Genuinely so excited  you’re my favourite cp writer on this site