
In case anyone wants to join me while I write words in a coffee shop, I'll be in Norwich for most of this week. Arriving on the 12:14 train today, and staying in the area until Friday.
          	Other writers, or fans, it would be good to meet people; although I suspect some people might be disappointed that I don't look like my characters. (Can you guess which characters have most of me in them?)


In case anyone wants to join me while I write words in a coffee shop, I'll be in Norwich for most of this week. Arriving on the 12:14 train today, and staying in the area until Friday.
          Other writers, or fans, it would be good to meet people; although I suspect some people might be disappointed that I don't look like my characters. (Can you guess which characters have most of me in them?)


I want to make a call for help, I searched a few common ABDL/ABDL adjacent terms, using the tags function. And it seems like all of the older and more active accounts belonging to ABDL writers are at a major disadvantage in the"hot" tab. Like, the newest chapters are all posted around 2023 at the latest, and I haven't seen many writers in the "hot" tab who have been around for awhile, and, more importantly, are still active today. At this point, I think the idea that some have brought up at this point might be confirmed. Wattpad seems to be killing off most of the ABDL community, over the three or so years I have been in the community I have seen hundreds of stories just dissapear from the list, and for bigger authors who might not go unnoticed... Shadow ban, just make sure the algorithm doesn't push them to readers, and they will quit on their own. I think your verbal ABDL community had to abandon wattpad. As to why some of the newest writers who use ABDL adjacent tags manage to do so much better, I am unsure how they manage to pull such numbers, but the writing quality leaves much to be desired "I know its purely a lack of practice, and I love how fostering Wattpad can be to hobbyist writers." But I can't see any other way. Its pretty hard to find any older "pre COVID" ABDL creators on Wattpad, let alone find any that still post. I need to sleep, if anybody wants to help KittyAngel, maybe we could try and collect data, and try to see what exactly these new ABDL/ABDL adjacent books have. Because I am really starting to think that wattpad itself is hiding Kittyangel and hoping that this account will just die out like so many other older "Pre-COVID" wattpad ABDL writers. Kittyangel, how much success do you have from your accounts on other sites? 


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I'm thinking that Wattpad is trying to kill their community altogether. They're trying to kill everything that isn't a close fit for the narrow selection of genres they select for their paid books; because readers who are interested in a niche like this are never going to pay for werewolf stories glorifying abuse, or whatever they've decided is the flavour of the month.
            Maybe that's a bit cynical. But if they limit paid stories to the niches that they think *should* be popular, and then the system pushes those stories more and more heavily, it's clear that they don't care what people actually want to read.
            They should try being more like Inkitt or Ream, maybe. Let anyone who wants to be a paid author tick a box, and then they wouldn't feel like they have to drive away readers who aren't interested in the categories they've chosen.
            In the last month, 95% of my votes have been on the same story. It was never that popular even when it was new, and got zero views for a while after that; but when Wattpad emailed me to say it was being deleted, suddenly it started being added to a couple of wishlists every day. And all of my current books suddenly stopped getting comments at the same time. There's no way that's anything but the Algorithm being weird.


I think this might be a turning point for me. I've been noticing more and more that I'm not seeing comments or even votes on my stories anymore. 90% of the votes I've got in the last two weeks are on one story from several years ago; starting when Wattpad incorrectly sent me a message to say they'd deleted it.
          I don't know what to think about this. I guess the algorithm is suddenly pushing that one story; but not any of my current work. That is starting to stress me out, and making it harder to keep on writing.
          I don't know what to do about this. Some of my stories are up on other sites, but I've not seen any sign of an ABDL community over there; I'm going unnoticed in a sea of steamy romance, billionaires, and werewolves.
          Maybe I need to take a step back and try writing something more conventional; there seems little point in focusing on stories that people aren't reading. I'm going to at least finish the ones I'm currently working on; but if I don't see some sign that there's an audience, I'm going to have to do something else. No idea what my future will be, but it's really starting to look like what I'm doing now isn't working. So… something different, I guess?
          Thanks to everyone who's supported me this far; and if there's any way I can keep doing this, I will. But from here, it looks like my audience has drifted away… so there's not so much of an option.


@kittyangelabdl thanks for your reply! I'll check out inkitt in my spare time. also, i promise to read as much of your stuff as i can as soon as I'm done with my stuff. getting ready for the biggest art market of the year (in my town), lots of merch to make 


@hornyfiveyearold I know I end up posting a lot of stories… it's hard to keep up with. But it's the only way I've found to get more readers, and I'm not even sure if it's still working. I'm not good at socialising, so never really managed to engage with the community.
            I've started posting on Inkitt and Ream now; as well as the WN site that gets spammed on everyone's profile here. Fingers crossed that those places will introduce my work to more readers once I've managed to built up a number of reviews.
            And now I've ended up wondering if I'm shifting the dynamic too much… I've got the rough shape of The Littlest Spy planned out, but at this point it's still uncertain how large a part the regression elements will play in the final story; whether they'll be a main focus for at least one act, or something that happens in the background. I could go either way, and I don't know how to weigh existing followers who would like to see that against "mainstream" readers who might stop reading if there's too much focus on that stuff.


@hornyfiveyearold Thank you :)
            I think one of the reasons I have mostly female littles is to match my own experience. When I decided to try hopping over the fence from hypnotist to little, I had two files to choose from; "Little Boys" and "Little Girls". And being agender, I picked the one with the best audio quality. But now, it's hard to put myself in a boy's shoes, if that makes sense.
            I've got one, I think – A Little Attention had a male protagonist, but that one ended up giving me a lot of problems because I couldn't find the names I'd dropped in for all his friends, and was struggling for time at that point so I didn't have time to go back and reread it to complete the wiki.
            The Last New Start is kind of ambiguous; I know I've seen some disagreement in comments over whether Spike is a girl or not. So not sure if that counts.
            But I think one reason for the gender imbalance is that most of the stories that people actually read grew as semi-parody: they're the basic bones of a story that Wattpad has recommended me a dozen different tellings of, but tweaked so that I can both believe the sequence of events and empathise with the characters. And the stories that I see recommended always seem to have female protagonists (although there's a lot of combined gender-change/regression stories in there; which I've got a couple of lined up as well). So… maybe there'll be more guys in there if I can get out of the rut of writing based on the tropes of other authors. I would like to think there's different dynamics across my stories; the protagonists gender shouldn't really be that important (except for people like Spike, Tristan/Triana, and Rosie/Daniel, for whom it's the driving force behind their character arcs). Still, representation is good, and I'll try to keep that in mind with future stories.


You might have noticed that some of my stories (including a current one) were deleted today.
          Those ones will be among the first ones I post on Inkitt (username: kittyangel). If there are any of my other stories you'd like to read over there, please let me know which ones.


@kittyangelabdl thanks for the info. It's definitely one of the possible places I'll go next!


@babysofia1234 Worth knowing if you try it: The Inkitt app on android doesn't seem to request permissions. So you need to go to the system Settings app → Notifications → App notifications (or equivalent on non-Samsung devices) and tick the box to allow it to send you notifications. Most apps will request a permission so you get an Approve/Deny popup the first time they want to do something; but this one apparently just throws notifications at the wall and hopes you'll find the option to make them stick.


@regressionlover16 Latest stories I lost were Don't Call Me Baby, and Showing Off.


This weekend I was lucky enough to pay a visit to the Adult Baby Playhouse in Norfolk, to let the little Angel out for a while. So many thanks to Aunty Amy; and I'd happily recommend the place to anyone else who wants an opportunity to be little.
          Now my little side feels more contented, I've managed to catch up with writing after the recent slump, and hopefully will be able to get my posting schedule back into gear again.
          I wonder if finding a little to be big for would have the same motivational effect… it's too long since I had the opportunity to play at all.
          In any case, you can probably look forward to seeing more posts from me in the next few days, after my spirits have picked up a little.
          And if anyone is interested in joining me in London tomorrow (Monday, between 12 and 2 while I'm changing trains), that would be great.


@regressionlover16 I don't know. It's quite a while since I looked, but I'm glad I could find somewhere :)


@kittyangelabdl ive never heard of them, and i did a lot of reasearch about a year and a half ago, are they new?


Oh I wish I was in London! :( 


Anybody want to meet up for coffee/beer and writing next weekend? On Friday I'm travelling from Liverpool/Wigan/Manchester to Norwich, and returning on Monday. Would be great to meet people to sit in a café and write (which is really good for motivation) somewhere in between on Thur/Fri/Mon/Tue; or somewhere within easy reach of Norwich on Sunday.
          Sorry for the delay in stories the last 3-4 days. I really hope that meeting other writers and/or fans will help me to get my brain back in gear; and that a chance to do real-world regression stuff (even if I have to pay for it) will help to suppress anxiety for a while.


You really do have quite the imagination! I am now reading trusting the babysitter,  I still havent found a story I didnt like? Except for the ending of training didnt like the way that ended? Still waiting on bus chapters? Do you ever trained babies oine cam to cam or especially with others in group cam sessions? I wish to learn, watch and participate.  Love how you separated the adult sections lol!@