
check out the new chapter in The Billionaire CEO 


this message may be offensive
To all my beautiful followers and non followers who read my books. I want to thank you so very much for continuing to read my books. I know I haven't updated in months. which I apologize for . I would like to tell you that I will be updating before or by Christmas. I really do love the support that you have given me. even though my books are very confusing it will all make sense when I'm
           done with the. 
                 - my beautiful supporters you may stop reading here because I have a few rated r words to say to some people. 
          To all those people who have messaged me telling me how stupid and messed up my books are....... SUCK MY NATURAL BLACK A$$... it is none of your business how  I run my books. all of you need to take several seats. and go get y'alls lives. y'all can go complain to someone that that actually cares. because I'm not here for that. 
          I have seen a book that copied mine on wattpad. whoever it is you know who you are. my book is ALL FUXKING RIGHTS RESERVED . so you can take that bootlegged book somewhere else. aight. beacuse I don't fuck with that.  so before you start coping someone's book go and actually find out what is happening in the book. DUMB A$$.....
                      - If you kept reading and you are one of my supporters . This does NOT consern you. The people that I'm talking about know who they are. so I am not naming names. Thank you so very much for listening