
I wrote the book "Love philosophy" as part of my healing journey. Surprisingly, whenever I feel turbulent, reading this book really does calm me down. To think I wrote this when I was 23 and it still helps me when I am 28. Maybe it will continue to help me in my 30s and 40s and much later too. There's around 30 engaged readers, and it continues to constantly get readers. I am glad that there are many who enjoy reading it and I hope the book gives you just as much peace and clarity as much it gives me.


I wrote the book "Love philosophy" as part of my healing journey. Surprisingly, whenever I feel turbulent, reading this book really does calm me down. To think I wrote this when I was 23 and it still helps me when I am 28. Maybe it will continue to help me in my 30s and 40s and much later too. There's around 30 engaged readers, and it continues to constantly get readers. I am glad that there are many who enjoy reading it and I hope the book gives you just as much peace and clarity as much it gives me.


Sis, read my books (⁠˘⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠˘⁠)


@LaughingMan109 is there another latest chapter? I can't see it 


Checkout my new webtoon! The art is a bit childish, but I will work on improving it soon! 


@noobartist005 It's great! Good job. Maybe next time don't use our family's references, we don't want the world to know it's full of crack heads V:


How many of you would read my horror one shot if I turn it into a webtoon? 
          P. S. It will be out after 2-3 weeks 0w0


@bhaswati18 Thankyou, I will count on you if I run into troubles ^.^


Oh wait, I will turn 26 after three months (-_-") 


I am 28 years and 3 months old now -_-


@yoshiokaMfutaba haaaaaaaaaaa...i am really excited for you


I was into digital art for two months, and I am so in love with it! My wattpad profile pic, background and my phone's wallpaper are all my digitalart. Also updated a cover Jacob diaries- still not final though (but satisfactory for my current noobartist level.) 
          Baby steps for now, but slowly and steadily I am getting closer to my dream to be a webtoonartist UwU
          Chasing your dreams at 25 is a bit tough though, lol


@yoshiokaMfutaba They are really cute!! and Hwaiting!!