
for the sake of myself and the fact that I don't do anything on here anymore, this is me saying goodbye to this app, and I'll be logging off for a good few months or even years because this app doesn't bring me the ecstasy it used to and I just think I have outgrown being on this app. 
          	thank you to everyone who has been through this journey with me, but I think its time to move on and maybe one day I'll come back as some published well known author or something lol 
          	But anyways 
          	Take care lovelies and know that you are worth every breath you take and to please never give up on anything, I love you all xx
          	Lena-Rose signing out xx


@lustingrose aww imma miss u bye girly


for the sake of myself and the fact that I don't do anything on here anymore, this is me saying goodbye to this app, and I'll be logging off for a good few months or even years because this app doesn't bring me the ecstasy it used to and I just think I have outgrown being on this app. 
          thank you to everyone who has been through this journey with me, but I think its time to move on and maybe one day I'll come back as some published well known author or something lol 
          But anyways 
          Take care lovelies and know that you are worth every breath you take and to please never give up on anything, I love you all xx
          Lena-Rose signing out xx


@lustingrose aww imma miss u bye girly


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sorry, i just needed to get that off my chest. 
          liking this guy has been killing me and my time, so moving on-
          he's partially been the reason as to why i dont have enough time to update 
          so now that i have spent over fucking two hours with my therapist.
          Now im focusing on me-
          so hi-
          im back-
          like properly back
          so lemme get back to updating lol 
          also thank you to everyone who stayed with me for this long while i figured out what the fuck was up with me during this past month, falling in love and mocks really do be killing the vibe. 
          love y'all loads <33


@lustingrose Yas queen, I'm glad your back :)


this message may be offensive
who thought having a crush would be such a long ass pain
          like homeboy 
          you either like me or not
          being kept on this awkward 'more than friends but less than a relationship' is really fucking killing me 


@lustingrose I've been there and understand girl, like they are so confused