
Well, I posted another chapter, so if you're wanting more Yellowstone, it's there. My Borgias and Outlander seem to be doing well, too


May I take a moment and get something off my chest?
          I have a real problem with the way people publish things on this site that are, in a word, sloppy. There is no excuse for poor paragraph structure, grammar, capitalizations, especially when it comes to names. Come on, did some of you sleep through English when you were in school. It doesn't take that long to proof your work, and you use a free service like Grammarly, to correct grammatical mistakes. specifies that if you're going to post something, make sure it's in an acceptable form. I work my butt off to make sure I've proofed, edited, and checked for grammar. If I can do it, why not someone else?


Well, I got a chapter for Yellowstone written this morning. All I need to do is edit and do a couple of reads to see what needs to be rewritten. Hopefully I will have it posted by this afternoon or evening. I'll let you know hen I do!


I read about Lucrezia Borgia years ago (got teased by a man I was interested in). It was about her and her romance with the poet Pietro Bembo. I got interested in writing the story after seeing Neil Jordan's mini series on Showtime. Initially when I started writing it it almost wrote itself.
          I came to a halt on my Mary Boleyn story but I hope to pick it up again someday


@PANDORABACCHUS  we had a very close relationship. everyone thought we were sleeping together--we weren't but I would have!


@martykate1 Go back to it and sorry the guy teased you. I know that feeling.


Know why I hate writing sometimes? It's when you have to write something you don't want to write but you have to because the story demands it. Tom  Robbiins talked about this when he killed a character in his book "Even Cowgirls Get the Blue" (which by the way I thought was stupid. The only thing I like by him is "Another Roadside Attraction". I love that book but haven't read it in years)  Anyway, I'm dragging my way through part of he chapter I'm writing for Yellowstone. I just have to cowboy up and finish the damn thing!  Love you all, especially the people who've checked out my other stories.


Hello to my beloved people of the page!  Well, I want you to know that I am fighting writer's block, but I managed to get another chapter written. I hate to borrow so directly from the series, but I just felt it was appropriate. How I resolve it is another matter! Love you and please keep reading!


@martykate1 I love that you wrote about borgias. Its awesome. I am getting into it now and I want to write about borgia myself. Because they were awesome despite all the rumors and all that. I am a history buff.


@martykate1 I feel that. I am the same way. Its understandable. I been trying to write a new book for a min and nothing has come. And its annoying. I hate having idea and it does not come together but sometimes one has to be patient with they self you know?


@PANDORABACCHUS  Thank you so much for telling me that. I want to be a good  writer, maybe even a great one,  but I tend to be critical of my writing!


Hi, I want to thank you all for supporting my Yellowstone story, even that manic inspired last chapter! I'm finding that; I need to take it easy for a few days, but never fear, in my head I'm already thinking about my next chapter, even though it may take a few days. Thank god for pain pills but they don't do much for dreativity!


It’s been great so far, but if you need time for yourself then you should take it. ❤️