
tengah cari idea untuk next chapter buku ni. 
          	dah lama sangat tak update rasanya!
          	fuhhh.. berpeluh rasa memikio. 
          	cari idea sampai dah blank kepala otak.
          	nanti kalau idea dah sampai, hakak update, hokay??
          	take care uollss...


tengah cari idea untuk next chapter buku ni. 
          dah lama sangat tak update rasanya!
          fuhhh.. berpeluh rasa memikio. 
          cari idea sampai dah blank kepala otak.
          nanti kalau idea dah sampai, hakak update, hokay??
          take care uollss...


tak sempat nak baca apa2 buku di WP. 
          nak ngupadate buku yang ada pun tak berkesempatan lagi.
          sibuk memanjang. 
          sesapa yang tag, dm ke.. sabar yer.. 
          maaf ye.. nanti dah free dan banyak masa, 
          saya akan habiskan pembacaan saya..


Hi! I'm Nadia. I just want to promote my buku yang tidak seberapa, NASHDIA. Come singgah baca. Do votes and commentsssss. I love to reply comment as a feedback. Thank you. Hv a wonderful day!


@nadiaswiftie  thanks. I will read ur too!


@nadiaswiftie ok.. dun worry, i will read and give my comment after that. hehe.. 
            do enjoy my books too..


hopefully will post up the next story in the next few days. nowaday, quite busy with my other hobby-arningmoney job. 
          please bear with me, guys?
          I've got loads in store which is not yet publish. Kalau buat fantasy ok tak? nak baca tak?