
‘For the Plot’ and ‘James and Harper’s to do list’ updates are coming! I have exams in 3 weeks but after that I am all yours, and plan to update over summer. See you then!


That’s nice,wish you luck ❤️


I just want to put this here as I see a lot of questions on my story ‘hot Chocolate’. If something doesn’t seem logical in the school sense, it is because I am European attempting to write American characters. If something doesn’t seem right in the spicy scenes, it is because I started that book when I was 13, before my first kiss. If you are annoyed with my main character, don’t you think I did that on purpose? They’re characters I created at thirteen years old, attempting to evoke emotions in you. Please stop worrying about the logistics of my story  enjoy!


Hey guys! I’ve been receiving so many lovely comments wishing for more updates, and I’m so sorry they’re slow. Unfortunately I am back at school with a lot of important study I need to prioritise. Hopefully I’ll have a few updates for you this month, but please understand. Thank you for all the support xx


I NEED MORE OF FOR THE PLOT!!! (I was just reading, went to the next chapter, and it said to be continued!!! I almost cried) Also if your ever thinking abt it, don’t change anything about it…it’s literally so perfectly written!


Thank you!!! I hope to get back into writing, but I really wanted to take my time with this one, and make it feel more like a novel than a wattpad story. So so glad you’re enjoying!