
You heard of mountain chickens, now get ready for……………
          	Chicken turtles.


Them reptiles and amphibians pulling fast ones on us all


You heard of mountain chickens, now get ready for……………
          Chicken turtles.


Them reptiles and amphibians pulling fast ones on us all


A while ago, I had said I’m not planning on any new chaptered Harry Potter fics. Not a lie, but recently a few vague concepts have been floating around in my head. Whether I’ll post them is another story because sometimes a writer just wants to write, but uh… yeah.
          If anyone has any ideas they’d like to see, though, I’m tentatively open to suggestions. The only real “requirement(?)” so to speak —other than my preferences which y’all should be familiar with by now (if not, feel free to ask) — is I don’t want it to be too long. Like maybe 10? 15 chapters at most. Like “You and Me” length
          I don’t know, I’m just spewing words here.


@joyce_pierce I like that idea.
            As for my preferences, here are a few. No bashing (it got old real fast). Not the biggest fan of Draco, so no Drarry but a friendship between him and Harry isn’t completely off the table. I like Harry’s friendship with Ron and Hermione, so replacing them with other people is a no.
            Shipping preferences are kinda vague. As I said earlier, not a Drarry fan. Wolfstar is popular but a hit or miss for me.
            That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Hope that helps a bit!


@CiaraMcMurry Ooh, that’s a good one. I’ll keep that in mind


@ onyxjay  I'd like to ask about your preferences. However, in the mean time, I would perhaps suggest a short story dealing with someone (perhaps Snape) noticing the aftereffects of the Cruciatus Curse after the duel at the graveyard in GoF


Hii, I read a lot of your fics like 1-2 years ago and i love them so much. I came back to re-read A final Decsion and the one with the opinions and rants (ily for defending ron against those weird bashers) but I cant find them anymore?? Did you post them somewhere else or take them down? (or do i have the wrong account...? i hope not XD)


Ohh okay, thanks for responding so quicklyy! I'll just re-read a trio of serpents then :D


Hey there! The Final Decision was discontinued and unpublished due to lack of inspiration and other factors, and the opinions and rants book was deleted completely because… I don’t even remember exactly tbh. But yes, you did come to the right place XD
            Regarding The Final Decision, I still have the current chapters posted on Archive of our own, but you need an account to view it.
            So uh… yeah. Apologies but I’m glad you enjoyed them while you could.


An excerpt from the one-sided Drarry fic:
          Harry sighed. "What am I supposed to do? I can barely even glance Malfoy's way without people reading into it."
          Come to think of it, it didn't seem to matter whether he was looking at Malfoy or not. If he was, he was thinking of all the Hogsmeade dates he could take him on. If he was looking the other way, he was thinking of all the Hogsmeade dates he could take him on.
          So yes, I am writing it. Hopefully it’ll be be posted before the year is up. (“But, Sage, it’s not even Febru-” “Shush)




@onyxjay thank you so much!
            I'll cherish it lol


I know I’ve said I’m done writing new Harry Potter fics, but then I saw this post:
          And now I’m tempted to write a one-sided Drarry fic in which Draco is into Harry and everyone can see it and some of the Slytherins and Gryffindors insist Harry returns his feelings when he. Most. Certainly. Does. Not.
          Anywho, I’m not sure if I ever will write this or if anyone would read this anyway, but the idea’s been planted in my brain.


@onyxjay This is a little late but  I think you should go for it the idea's great :]


@onyxjay I haven't touched anything harry potter related in years (or any wattpad fic for that matter) but I'd read that


oh my gosh if you ever do write that i would squeal in joy


TLDR at end
          *Thomas Sanders voice* Storytime! As my previous message says, I was skimming through my fic, Eagle’s Flight, and reminiscing on what I’ve accomplished, the laughs I had, etc etc. And then I skipped ahead to the bullet points and was hit with a sudden desire to do something about them.
          Now, before you get your hopes too high, know that I am not promising to redo all of the remaining chapters — though I will say the fact I've even gotten this far is miraculous enough as it is. The least I’m hoping to redo is Year 6. Don’t know about Year 7.
          At the time this message is being posted (still November 5th), I have not posted any revisions. But I’m hoping that tomorrow (November 6th) I will post the revised version of the chapter “Year 6.1.”
          So if you still like that fic and still read it from time to time, keep an eye out.
          P.S. I will still be listing the fic as discontinued for the time being, but that’s more because, as I’ve said, I’m unsure if the revisions will cover Year 7.
          If any of that is too confusing, just focus on the upcoming revisions and the story and leave the rest to me.
          TLDR: I am revising at least Year 6 of Eagle’s Flight


            While I am unbelievably excited for the Year6 revision, go at your own pace. Listening to Comme ts begging for updates will sometimes guilt you into producing more chapters then you mentally are able to and will ultimately xause you despise the fic. Don't listen to an u one and go, at your, own pace. 