
It was good to see that @Hannahstorm311 raise an issue regarding the reckless protests. 
          	There are many issues here:
          	1. It seems like all anti-national forces, leftists, political opponents, media houses, pseudo-seculars are colluding here with our enemy countries to destabilize our country with all these protests;
          	2. Already our country has fought hard to get independence and we should NOT let the above forces to collude and destabilize our country with these reckless protests;
          	3. In my view, it seems there are concerted efforts from the leftist groups within the country to do false propaganda and also there is pressure from China on India too on various fronts (military, economic, diplomatic and so on). China has much money and influence to support these types of protests to deflect issues on its own plate (the handling of  covid situation and international repercussions on it and the disastrous long term economic effects of it on China)
          	I just believe in 'law of Karma', and our land is spiritually so supremely blessed to NOT be obliterated by these nihilists (leftists) and anti-national forces. Even barbarians from foreign lands were not able to destroy us.
          	In my view, only anti-national forces can support these types of protests, there are no two ways about it. 
          	I hope people of this country understand that these types of protests will only cause harm to our country and whoever is a true patriot should NOT participate/support these types of protests.
          	A hard crackdown should be done on these types of protests and journalists/media who does misinformation on these.
          	There is no place for anarchy in India, and leftists(nihilists) are the fundamental forces for creating chaos wherever they are in the world. Now these forces are in collusion with anti-national forces, so that is a dangerous mix. 
          	There should be a place for peaceful discussions but NOT reckless protests which cause harm to the nation.
          	Jai Hind.


@hiiamAditi Hi, Yes, you are right. We are seeing various anti-national elements doing nasty stuff in this protest.


@Swaamy_2005 Actually I felt happy to see your response and also of few others. No, you haven't wasted any time at all :) , instead it would be useful for someone to read it with open mind instead of just joining the bandwagon blindly. It would be nice to see things settled peacefully and people should understand that pressure tactics and vandalism are not the ways to make  a point.


Hey man, I'm reporting the user from my book. I really am shocked at the way he/she responded to your messages. This things disturb me to the core. I swear, people have no sense of civility these days. If anyone could debate something with actual facts and figures instead of baseless accusations and verbal abuse. It's disrespectful and shameful.


@GolPol Thanks so much for understanding, appreciate your time and efforts in constructing logical and civil replies. The user was particularly annoying and very uncivil. I haven't been that active and  when I checked back in now was swamped with the mesaages from this particular reader. The reader was oblivious of basic decency to have any meaningful discussion. I usually ignore such people.
            Your book is an original take and I liked several plots in it. You are a talented writer. Wish you all the best.


Thank you so much for all your encouraging, discerning comments - much appreciated! So good to see you back on wattpad! btw I have a question regarding whether Sanjaya seeing all four [Krishna, Satyabhama, Arjuna, Draupadi] in later part of udyoga parva[kmg] - is it an interpolation? is it in BORI/CE? Just wondered if you could help? Thanks!


@suvachana Np, that incident was a wonderful one. Yes, it would be awesome to include that in the collection.


@paarthaw thanks for confirming! it is so enchantingly described in KMG. I am going to be including in Krishna collection, soon.


@suvachana Yes, this incident is mentioned in the BORI CE. In the section fifty-three [721 (58)]:
            This is the excerpt of Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra, "After purifying myself, I entered the quarters of those gods among men. Abhimanyu and the twins are not allowed entry into the above where the two Krishnas (Madhava, Arjuna), and Krishnaa (Draupadi) and the beautiful Satyabhama reside."


Heya bro :)


@Rudraakshi Thank you so much and the same to you !


@paarthaw no worries :) happy belated Raksha Bandhan and advanced Krishna Janmashtami. May Krishna bless you too :)


@Rudraakshi Hi Sister, sorry for the delay in reply. Hope you are doing great. Take care and stay safe. May Bhagwan Shree Krishna bless you.


Hello there, Dada! It’s been a long time! 
          I just wanted to inform you that I have recently updated KrishnaChakra and would love to hear your reviews about it. 
          I hope you are doing well ✨


@paarthaw no problem, dada! Take care! 
            Jai Shree Krishna! 


@allyseuphoria Hi Sister, sorry for the late reply, I am not that active on wattpad but hopefully will be in the future.
            I hope you are doing great. Sure, I will read the story in a day or two and post the comments.
            Stay safe and take care. 
            Jai Shree Krishna.


So long... How are you? 


Take care. It's a tough time going for everyone.


@pranjaliaditi Hi, I am doing good, thank you. Hope the same with you. Yeah, been off for a long time, will be more regular in the near future.