◁ welcome to #projectskindeep!


「 w h o a r e w e ? 」
#projectskindeep is a movement to help in including people of color in our wattpad community! beauty isn't skin deep, and neither should our characters - we want a rainbow of color in our wattpad books! this project is all about anti-racial stereotyping and teaching all of the writers out there the right way to represent colored characters in their books.


「 w h a t d o w e d o ? 」

once the account is up and running, we will be giving tips and tricks on how to write poc, and even featuring certain authors who epitomize what true beauty really means; not just that which you can see. we will also hold competitions and give other incentives to help encourage the inclusion of poc and anti racial stereotyping in wattpad books.

in the future, please check out our reading lists to see stories that really demonstrate the idea of #projectskindeep and are great examples of the proper way to write poc!


「 w h a t i s t h e g o a l o f # p r o j e c t s k i n d e e p ? 」

the main goal of #projectskindeep is to support those who rally for diversity on wattpad and to encourage authors to really embrace people of color!


「 c o n t a c t i n f o r m a t i o n」

if you have any questions or suggestions, please message this account or post your comment on our message board!

you can also find our founders at the information listed below!

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kat [ @cosmologie ]
▷ [ email ] katxyu.13@gmail.com
▷ [ ask.fm ] @cosmologie

shay [ @igoodbook ]
▷ [ email ] ---
  • #ProjectSkinDeep HQ
  • JoinedSeptember 12, 2017
