
Came earlier than you thought, huh?  My new chapter is up now!  & yes, it contains sexual descriptions  My next story will not have that tho  Hope you enjoy this one  Love you 


hey guys. i just wanna let you all know that the imagines are on hold right now. i have a lot going on in my mind & school's gonna make it worse for me. i'll let you guys know when i'm coming back and writing more chapters. thank you for your patience. I really appreciate it. 
                                                       - Desteni 


Hey guys! I just wanted to inform you guys about something. You may have tried to open up something I published and it didn't open. I apologize. I posted an unfinished chapter by accident. I just unpublished it, but it should be up within the next few days. Thanks for your patience! 
                                                              - Desteni 


A couple things..
          1. I started the new chapter & it should be up sometime this week. 
          2. I'm sorry its been taking me a while to update. A lot's been happening this month & i'm trying to figue everything out.
          3. Make sure you watch The Voice tomorrow night on NBC at 8/7c to see Rihanna as the Key Advisor for this season.