
          	I wish I didn't have to say this but I should. I did not mind some people posting their books in my comment sections and saying that they are sorry to do it. 
          	I prefer you do not. 
          	It is a humble request, please keep the comment posts for once a week. If you see there has been already a book request put in, do not put yours and wait for the next week. Anyone who wants to suggest me a read, please DM me on Instagram, I would be thrilled to take it and read. I want nothing but to encourage you to write. 
          	Insta: @remixthestory 
          	Do not post here. I do not wish to sit and delete them. 
          	Apologies if this sounds bad to you, but I have to do it. 
          	- Arwa.


@remixthestory Though I don't post anything. Still I'll keep it in my mind in the future


Hey... Is it the Wattpad kinda froze my account from getting updates or is it just that you people are not giving any updates!? I wonder what has happened! My notification tab has been dead for a while! Should I be worried? Or not? 


@remixthestory tell me chapter 8 of yours is yet to be uploaded! Tell me. Or did you ? 


@Daaaya99 You should be worried I guess. 


Sorry for posting without your permission in your conversation box. 

          This is the link of My new story, his Vow. 
          This is a second generation book. But stand alone. So you can start with this. 
          But If you want to read a first generation book here are the links. 
          Angel’s Devil. 

          Her Claim


          I wish I didn't have to say this but I should. I did not mind some people posting their books in my comment sections and saying that they are sorry to do it. 
          I prefer you do not. 
          It is a humble request, please keep the comment posts for once a week. If you see there has been already a book request put in, do not put yours and wait for the next week. Anyone who wants to suggest me a read, please DM me on Instagram, I would be thrilled to take it and read. I want nothing but to encourage you to write. 
          Insta: @remixthestory 
          Do not post here. I do not wish to sit and delete them. 
          Apologies if this sounds bad to you, but I have to do it. 
          - Arwa.


@remixthestory Though I don't post anything. Still I'll keep it in my mind in the future


Hey... I am searching a Indian multicouple book I dont remember it's name.. but  it's middle couple fl was actress and I think male was doctor and he married her to save her from scandal.. elder couple were to in messed up situation were they were thinking of getting divorce after two years of marriage and youngest has office romance where youngest fl was forced my male lead to marry him.. something like this.. please help me to find this book 


@Aurora_Fable How about you find it out yourself?


@remixthestory Hey! Loved the book. Can you tell me whether Vidyut and Rishit are twins or not?


@Aurora_Fable Hii. Yes, it's the arrangement by Chauhan. Check my profile. 