
AsalamuAlaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. My dear friends and sisters and brothers, I pray that all of you are doing well and are in the best of health and Iman. SubhanAllah I honestly did not realize how long it was since I was on here. When I logged in right now, I expected to see Bambi's last post within the last year ... imagine my surprise and shock! Alhamdulillah I am alive and doing better :) In Shaa Allah I need to get through doctor appointments this week, but then I will make another post with a longer update <3 May Allah reward all of you who have messaged, left comments and posts, and have continuously made Du'aa for me. I know I won't be able to reply to them all (over 1,000 inbox alone!!!!) but know that I appreciate it more than you will ever know :)
          	Much love and stay awesome!


@sajmra sister i really want to rearead your work once upon a qadr when will you upload it back?


Phewwww I’m really happy to hear from you 
          	  May Allah grant you shifa 


@sajmra May Allah make everything easy for you dear, grant you quality health and bring glad tidings to you. Much love and stay awesome you too. Salam ❤️


Assalamu alaikum @bambi could you please update us on sajmra's condition ya subhanallah it's been a while since I logged on and I thought perhaps with all the duas she might be back now but Allah loves her the most His decisions are the best


Not implying worsening in condition or such but she is one of the reasons my wattpad account is still active please deem it fit to give an update


I'm worried for her... It was a long time ago that I finished reading unlocked hearts and it wasn't completed back then. She had shared then that she was sick and would take some time to upload but it's been years...I wonder how she's doing..I hope she's ok 


@ukhthi same.
            These used to be my comfort books :"(


Please don't tell me you deleted that story of Sami and Dalia!!!! Please don't....
          I loved that story so much!! I really wanted to know how it all ended. Since you hadn't posted another chapter for a long time and since it was the same with a lot of other ongoing stories that I wanted to finish reading, I took a break from Wattpad only to find the whole story MISSING!!!! It's not fair!! Please repost the whole story! Even if you don't finish it please do repost it!! It was well written and I loved reading it so much!! 


@ukhthi I just finished reading captured hearts and desperately want to read unlocked hearts so pretty pretty pls update 


Hey there! I need your help to find a book I can't remember the title of T-T 
          The guy's name was Zayn and the girl's name was Arisa. They were forcefully married or arranged marriage. The guy's mother dies while giving birth to him and then his father passed away bcoz of this. Zayn has a lot of siblings which are very older than him. One of his brother's name was Ahmed ig and sister name was Aliya. 
          Zayn is broody and rude and doesn't get along well with his family and Arisa.
          Arisa was raised by her aunt and her parents passed away too. She was abused by her family. Even the guy also abuses her in the story ig. The ending was something like it was Zayn's bday and they celebrate it in Paris and Arisa surprises him by calling over his family. Please help me out.


@ayethebibliomaniac Was it this author's book? Wow..I remember reading it too. She had another really well written story uploaded here as well that she has taken down now. I waited a long time for her to finish it and now it's gone..I really wish she comes back healthy and uploads everything again