
Hi my loves! 
          	I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I've updated; the little one is now running around and requires more attention so I don't have as much time to write as I did before, but I am still working on stories, don't worry! 
          	I'm going to be putting Stolen Paradise on hold for now while I work on some other stories, I've just sort of hit a wall for productivity on that one but it will get finished later :) In the meantime, I have a couple new Dramiones that I'm hoping to start posting here in a few months that I know you all will love, and I'm hoping to update my Charmione story very soon as well! 
          	As always, thank you all for your patience and I love all of you! <3


@salty_mermaid You’re a MOTHER! Omg that’s awesome that you have time to post stories at all especially ones as good as they are


@salty_mermaid I’m so excited to be back on here and see you have something new! Yay congrats on all the life changes and the new book! Cannot wait to read this ongoing! :) 


@salty_mermaid Thank you for checking with us.  Enjoy your time.   I look forward to reading from you again, but take the time you need also.   Family and self-care first.  Littles are so precious. 


Isis Armstrong é uma garota simples que mora em um vilarejo pobre. O país onde vive, Avalonia, é governado por um rei e uma rainha corruptos, que se beneficiam dos luxos e privilégios, enquanto os mais pobres vivem na miséria.
          Quando o Dia da Escolha chega, ela tem que decidir entre: continuar no trabalho de seus pais, ir para a faculdade ou se alistar no exército. Sua escolha seria a primeira opção, mas tudo muda quando um desastre acontece e ela começa a ter experiências sobrenaturais, a obrigando a entrar no exército.
          Nessa história emocionante, Isis terá que lutar contra suas próprias escolhas e se juntar à um grupo que tem como objetivo derrubar o sistema do país.


Hi my loves! 
          I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I've updated; the little one is now running around and requires more attention so I don't have as much time to write as I did before, but I am still working on stories, don't worry! 
          I'm going to be putting Stolen Paradise on hold for now while I work on some other stories, I've just sort of hit a wall for productivity on that one but it will get finished later :) In the meantime, I have a couple new Dramiones that I'm hoping to start posting here in a few months that I know you all will love, and I'm hoping to update my Charmione story very soon as well! 
          As always, thank you all for your patience and I love all of you! <3


@salty_mermaid You’re a MOTHER! Omg that’s awesome that you have time to post stories at all especially ones as good as they are


@salty_mermaid I’m so excited to be back on here and see you have something new! Yay congrats on all the life changes and the new book! Cannot wait to read this ongoing! :) 


@salty_mermaid Thank you for checking with us.  Enjoy your time.   I look forward to reading from you again, but take the time you need also.   Family and self-care first.  Littles are so precious. 


           I absolutely love and adore every single story of yours! You did write almost all of my favorite dramione and blinny stories and I have to say you are my comfort place for that!  I read the veela story almost 5 times already and I just love your plots and writing style. I hope you continue your great work and thank you for all the fun hours reading your books. 


@romanda8815  thank you so much for this sweet message!! I’m so happy you’ve loved my books, and I have many more planned for the future! :)