
Chapter out friends. Thanks so much for reading. 


Help- Those who read my story, I need some input. Do you want me to wrap up the past storyline of Zelda and Link, or you don’t mind more story and background of how they became who they are? Because I intended to be already back in the main plot by now but things sort of got carried away and I had such brilliant ideas to enrich the story for the present with elements of the past being planted. Idk, let me know which you all prefer. I want to keep you all entertained at the end of the day. Thanks


@mesmericmusic Okay, I will try to find a position where I can hop back to the current narrative. Thanks.


I’m enjoying it so far. I love the past parts but I’m okay with entering back in the present as well


I think maybe go to the present storyline, but revisit the past later on? Maybe?


Hey! How’ve you been?


@skycloudrain101 Thank you. I’m glad you’re okay. Family definitely did help me get through it and a bit of Wattpad. Even though I’m home, I’m not completely out of the woods yet, so it’s still helping :)


@Zelda_Story_Teller Good, just been super busy and haven't been on much at all. Lots of work lately. I just took a glance on your board and I'm sorry you had a rough month. I couldn't even imagine that sort of hardship having to deal with an illness such as that. I hope things do get better for you and that you can find comfort in family, friends and good stories on wattpad. : )


I’m still finishing this chapter. It’s a doozy. Just a little longer. That being said it will be the best thus written. I hope you all enjoy the spectacle and drama that is about to unfold. How in the hell does Link and Zelda ever recover? We shall see.